President of the united states Donald Trump announced on Thursday evening that the U.S. will withdraw from the global climate agreement that world leaders signed up to in Paris in 2015, reports Bloomberg News and several other media.
According to Donald Trump favors the paris peace agreement, other countries at the expense of AMERICA’s workers.
”We drag ourselves out, but we will start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can reach an agreement, and if we can, it is amazing… but if we can’t, it is good,” he said.
”We don’t want other leaders and other countries to laugh at us anymore. And they will not do,” continued the president.
Donald Trump’s announcement was met by pleas from business leaders, world leaders and even pope Francis who warned the news is damaging the global fight against climate change.
France, Italy and Germany, made statements that the paris agreement is ”irreversible” and that it ”cannot be renegotiated”. The japanese government described the news as ”regrettable”.
China’s state news agency Xinhua called Donald Trump’s announcement ”regrettable” and added that the fact that the united states leave the paris agreement is unlikely to lead to any significant job growth because the U.S. fossilbränsleindustri is highly automated.
Donald Trump defended his vengeance with that he had been chosen to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris. He was, however, opposition by the city’s mayor, Bill Peduto, in a twittermeddelande that the city stands united with the world, and will comply with the paris agreement.
The president informed also met with criticism from the american storföretagsledare. Apple CEO Tim Cook said that he tried to convince Donald Trump to continue to participate in the paris agreement, but that it had not been enough. Goldman Sachs ceo Lloyd Blankfein criticised the ruling in a twittermeddelande.
”Today’s decision is a setback for the environment and for the united states’s leading position in the world”, wrote Lloyd Blakfein.
The American Petroleum Institute said in a statement that they never took any position in terms of the climate agreement.
Donald Trump’s announcement means that the united states will be one of only three countries that do not observe the paris agreement, the other two are Nicaragua and Syria.
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