Luleå, 15 June 2017 — By reason of that the Swedish companies registration office has now registered the name change to Effnetplattformen AB (publ) decided at the annual general meeting 2017-04-20 will share from 2017-06-16 to be traded on Nasdaq First North under this name. The company’s ticker symbol on Nasdaq First North will continue unchanged to be the EFFP.
For further information, please contact:
Hans Runesten, chairman of the board of Effnetplattformen AB (publ),, mobile 0702-80 26 26
This information is such information that Effnetplattformen AB is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning. The information was submitted, by the above contact person in the government, for publication June 15, 2017 there is a 13:45 CET.
If Effnetplattformen AB (publ)
Effnetplattformen AB (publ), 559085-5721, is traded on the Nasdaq First North (symbol EFFP). The Certified Adviser is Remium Nordic AB (
). Effnetplattformen AB (publ) is the parent company of a group active in advanced digital communications.
The parent company’s task is to develop this technology companies, and based on the parent’s noteringsplattform, investment capacity and skills of the note, invest in and operate the listed companies in order to create increased value for our shareholders.
The group currently has its subsidiary, Effnet AB, (
). For more information about Effnetplattformen AB, visit