The reform of unemployment insurance is committed in the pain

Those who thought that, on the face of the social, the hard part had been accomplished will be for their expenses. While the reform of the labour code was completed in just four months, without the mass mobilization of the street, another shipyard, also in link with the business world, is proving more difficult to engage in : the reform of unemployment insurance.

On 25 October, the head of government, Edouard Philippe, and the minister of labour, Muriel Pénicaud, had indicated that this file would be opened during the second fortnight of November, on the occasion of a multilateral meeting with all the organizations of employees and employers. Finally, the conclave will take place a little later, on December 11, in principle. However, this date was not yet officially confirmed, Wednesday, December 6, in the evening, according to several union sources.

“We have no agenda, laments Eric Courpotin (CFTC). Is it hiding something ? Or is this due to the fact that some points have still not been settled ? There isn’t a transparency in any case. “It is a bit surreal. And a very cavalier, ” adds Jean-François Foucard (CFE-CGC). “We don’t have enough information “, rattle the representative of another confederation.

On paper, the ambitions of the government, based on campaign promises made by Emmanuel Macron, have the air simple. First axis : extend the payment of a Benefit for self-employed workers and employees who have resigned. The second axis, to him, is to create a kind of ” bonus-malus by modulating the contributions of businesses based on the cost that they bear to the unemployment insurance fund, following the departure of some of their employees (end of xed-term contracts, dismissals, etc.).

But as soon as one dips his nose under the hood, the difficulty of the exercise is obvious. “The…

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