The quest for meaning, Jean-Louis Moynot

The book. An old legend ascribes to the cat’s nine lives. At age 80, Jean-Louis Moynot has lived at least as much. The son of a graduate of the CEO of the French Company of manufacture of babies and toys, a graduate of the superior School of aeronautics, he was a christian, a communist, scout, sub-lieutenant, trade unionist, engineer, expert, researcher, missionary of the Republic. This is of course atypical in that it tells in a book dense. In ” quest for the meaning of life “, it gives his actions a ” mystical dimension “, acting as if he was ” immortal “. “I can’t do anything like everybody else,” he confesses. Its history demonstrates.

Inspired by Marx and Spinoza, past of the student Youth christian the national Union of students of France (UNEF), Jean-Louis Moynot between politics to anti-colonialism. Despite this commitment, he completed his military service in Algeria, in order to” work for peace while being statutorily actor of war “. Sub-lieutenant, he reports to his commander the “staging barbaric” killing of a camp. In April 1961, he attends, ” annihilated “, in the putsch of the generals. The FLN asks him to provide weapons and information. “Unthinkable” ! “I condamnais politically the war, he wrote, but I could not, in any case, contribute to endangering the life of my young compatriots. “

Hired as an engineer, in 1962, to the shipyards of La Ciotat, it adheres to the CGT. But when he joins the institutions Carnaud (white iron) to Paris, Moynot resigned himself to be ” clandestine “. It hides its trade union activity to “consolidate” its position in the company before being able to ” get out heads out of the water “. He does it so well that he was elected, in June 1967, a 30-year-old, in the office, confederal secretary of the CGT, ” the college of…

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