Paris, June 15, 2017 at 8: 00 a.m. (CEST) – ABIVAX (Euronext Paris : FR0012333284 – ABVX), a biotechnology company targeting the immune system to eliminate viral diseases based on its technology platforms unique, congratulates today the Pr. Jamal Tazi, inventor of ABX464, the candidate drug to be the most advanced of ABIVAX aimed at inducing a functional cure for HIV and a member of its Executive Committee, for having received the Medal of Innovation 2017 of the CNRS. This medal, which will be presented today at a ceremony organized by the CNRS in the presence of Mrs. Frédérique Vidal, Minister of higher Education, Research and Innovation, reward research that has led to an important innovation in the fields of technological, therapeutic, or social.
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Jamal Tazi is a Professor of Functional Genomics at the University of Montpellier, a Senior Member at the Institut Universitaire de France and Associate Director of the Biology Health “Rabelais” in charge of education and training. After a phd thesis in molecular and cell biology sustained in 1988, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Austria, before joining the CNRS in 1990.
For 20 years, he has led the team to the “Metabolism of the messenger RNAS in metazoans” within the Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (IGMM) whose works are illustrated by important discoveries, helping to the understanding of the basic mechanisms of the expression of our genes and the maturation of the product RNA. His discoveries today find application in the medical field through the development of a new therapy based on the use of small chemical molecules to combat viral infections and to correct abnormalities of gene expression at the origin of cancers.
In 2008, the Director General of Truffle Capital, the Dr. Philippe Pouletty, founded the company Splicos in collaboration with Pr. Jamal Tazi and the CNRS with a licensing agreement exclusive to the patent application of the Pr. Jamal Tazi on small molecules modulating the biogénèse of the RNA. It is under the impetus of Truffle Capital, the company ABIVAX was founded in December 2013 by the merger of three French companies in the field of biotechnologies (Wittycell, Splicos and Zophis). The main research activities of the company are since then localized in his laboratory co-operative with the CNRS of Montpellier. In June 2015, ABIVAX has made the ipo the most important in terms of amount raised by a biotech company on Euronext Paris.
“I am honored to receive the Medal of Innovation 2017 of the CNRS which recognizes not only my work but also the involvement and dedication of my team who have worked for many years in order to find a cure to HIV. The publication in may of 2017 results showing the first evidence of reduction of HIV reservoirs induced by treatment has given new hope to the community of HIV. We have already taken many steps but we still have a long way to go. Our goal is to cure the millions of people infected by the virus, ” says the Pr. Jamal Tazi.
“We are very proud of the Pr. Jamal Tazi among our collaborators and our friends. His dedication to finding a cure to HIV is a key driver of our work. On behalf of all employees of ABIVAX, I want to congratulate him for this prestigious award given by the CNRS and remind him that I am looking forward to the idea of continuing our collaboration to achieve our goal : to develop new treatments for patients infected by the HIV virus and other viral diseases that can be deadly, ” adds the Pr. Hartmut Ehrlich, M. D., ceo of ABIVAX.
The Centre national de la recherche scientifique is a public research organization, under the tutelage of the Ministry of national Education, higher Education and Research. The innovation medal of the CNRS, created in 2011, honors research unique science that led to an important innovation on the technological, therapeutic, or societal and rewarding as scientific research in france. Each year, a jury awarded between one and five medals to researchers and engineers from the CNRS, other research organisations, universities and grandes écoles, or even industrial very engaged in research activities.
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About ABIVAX (
ABIVAX is an innovative biotechnology that target the immune system to eliminate viral diseases. ABIVAX has three technological platforms : one platform, ” antiviral “, “immune stimulation” and ” polyclonal antibodies “. Its product is the most advanced, ABX464, is currently in Phase II clinical study to evaluate its capacity to become an element of a functional cure of HIV/AIDS. ABX464 is a new molecule that is administered orally that inhibits viral replication via a unique mode of action, and this independently of a strong anti-inflammatory effect. ABIVAX also develops a candidate immunostimulant in clinical phase as well as several candidates in preclinical targets viral (Chikungunya, Ebola, Dengue, etc). Several of these compounds are likely to enter the phase of clinical development within the next 18 months. ABIVAX is listed on compartment B of Euronext Paris (ISIN : FR0012333284 – Mnémo : ABVX). ABIVAX is eligible for the PEA-PME.
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