The MÁV-Start the economy operation, in order to more international train reduces or eliminates the dining and sleeping car service in the 2017/2018 the agenda of december 10, the entry into from – communicated to the railway company told MTI on Monday.
According to the information, in recent years, particularly in 2016, the passenger supply a significant loss of production, therefore, examined the international flights, utilisation of capacity, revenue-generating ability, they decided the flights to optimize.
The decision in the sense of more international flights dining and sleeping car without driving the December timetable change from the Metropol euro night and Berlin instead of prague to travel.
The changes do not affect the Adriatic, Beograd, Dacia, Hungary, Kálmán Imre, Varsovia and Wiener Walzer, entitled international flights – write communication, the MÁV-Start.
The railway company in its communication stressed that every effort to ensure that the economic and business basis of a decision taken only employee in the case of no walk negative consequences.