On Wednesday 28 June, the Council of Ministers examines the draft enabling law for the reform of the Labour Law (Source AFP). Among the provisions expected, the reduction in employee and employer contributions for the French. The effect would be particularly beneficial for the ” portage salarial. Explanations.
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The labour market reform is on the table of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday morning. At least, the enabling law that allows, according to the will of the President of the Republic displayed during his election campaign, to go fast, so that the French could measure the outcomes and practical effects.
To meet the tempo announced, the new executive will have recourse to the ordinances, a process that will accelerate the adoption of a law without going through Parliament, and his usual set of “shuttles” between the two chambers, which often takes several months. The idea is to increase the net pay of the French. How ? By decreasing the social security contributions of all employees, including employees worn. For Carole SOLIVERES, customer Service Manager webportage, 1st platform of ” portage salarial online, The net salary of the worn will increase, enabling a growth of income.
The brakes at the portage salarial fade
This reform will contribute to dispelling the preconceived idea that the portage salarial is less well paid than other statutes of the self-employed.
For example, an employee carried earning 2 200 euros net on average each month, will receive 500 euros more per year, with the relief of costs that is desired by the Government. This logic of recovery through the investment in and increase the purchasing power should in the long term, be a genuine lever to support more entrepreneurship. But also to respond to a booming demand for French not to have to choose between the freedom of the entrepreneur and the safety of employees.
The adoption of the package of orders-in-Council of Ministers is expected in the fall, the expected effects on the pay slip of the employees should feel at the end of the year 2017. Recall that if for the time being, the ” portage salarial accounts for 70 000 beneficiaries in France, the forecasts of the European Commission suggest they would be ten times more numerous by the year 2025, to the point of representing 5% of the jobs in the country, with an economic weight of non-negligible, estimated to 15 billion turnover. (Source: Eurostat)
Created in 2005 by Jerome TARTING, a graduate of the École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulon and the University’s Royal Holloway College of London, WEBPORTAGE, 1st platform of ” portage salarial online accompanies + 1150 worn (Assets) in France and in the DOM-TOM. Based on the concept of simplicity, it allows everyone to be webporté in 24 hours (72 hours for foreign nationals), its economic model is in full development. She has recorded a turnover of more than 13 M € in 2016. More info webportage.com
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