Paris, June 21, 2017 The Group Edf, first group of French independent recruitment with 12 firms, obtains the overall score of 4.31/5 the classification HappyAtWork 2017. For its first participation, this excellent result in class the group in 7th position on more than 900 companies evaluated in the category of 200 to 999 employees. In march 2017, the group had already received the label HappyAtWork.
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Directed by in partnership with Les Echos Start, the ranking HappyAtWork enhances the value of the companies in which the French employees are happy to work. The ranking is established on the basis of a survey carried out among the employees who must decide around 6 themes.
More than 70% of employees in the Group Fed got involved and participated in the survey. They largely responded positively to the questions :
-” I am proud of our products /services ” – 89.3 %
-” I find meaning in what I do ” – 88.7 %
-” I have the feeling that my mission and my responsibilities fit me ” – 86.8 %
-” I feel that I have the means to achieve my goals ” – 83.7 %
-” I feel that they trust me ” – 83 %
-” I believe that my company is innovative ” – 82.4 %
The group obtains an excellent rate of recommendation on the part of its employees : 81.1 %, the threshold being 60 % to be eligible for the label.
A few verbatim in answer to the question “what is it that you like the most in your business” :
– Good relationships with the staff, the friendliness, the feeling of being considered and that the work is acknowledged (incentive, meal team, annual increase, etc)
– What I like the most is its independence, his ethics, his ability to question, to innovate, and the quality of its employees.
The progression on merit ; The variable remuneration ; The rules are clear to everyone ; The autonomy which it has
A few verbatim in answer to the question “what is it that you like the most in your mission” :
– The challenge and the goals that are all related to the quality of work of employees. The fact that there is no maximum limit of performance.
– The autonomy that I have in organizing my work and in decision-making vis-à-vis my clients / candidates.
“We are very proud of this ranking because we are attentive to the well-being of our employees.” commented Alexander TAMAGNAUD, co-founder of the Group Edf. “Participate in ranking HappyAtWork allows us to measure the well-being of our employees, to identify our strengths but also areas for improvement of our managerial practices. ”
“Since always, the Group strongly implies that the employees work in an environment that is serene, stimulating and user-friendly.” explains Julie BERTONI, Head of HR Group Fed. “The training, telework, and the development opportunities in-house, internal communication, conviviality through events and festive are the pillars on which we are investing.” she adds.
About the Group Fed
Created in 2001, the Group Edf ( is the first French group of independent recruitment of temporary and permanent specialized through twelve trademark : Fed Funds, Fed Human, Fed Legal, Fed Supply, Fed Africa, a Fed Office, Fed Business, Fed Construction, Edf Engineering, Edf Health, Fed IT, and Resources Transition. More than 2.5 million people have sought a position on the sites of the Group Edf in 2016. The Group Fed with 4 Associates : Alexander Tamagnaud, Vincent Picard, Amaury de Vorges and Hervé Savy. The Group Edf has a turnover of 69 Million in 2016. It employs about 250 employees in ten cities in France : Paris, Nantes, Rennes, Lille, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence, Toulouse, Versailles, St. Denis, and Massy. The Group Fed is also present abroad through Fed Finance Canada (Montreal) since 2015 and Fed Funds Switzerland (Geneva) since 2016. The Group Edf is a signatory of the Diversity Charter and the Global Compact of the united nations. In 2017, the Group Fed gets the label ” HappyAtWork “.
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