The government and the Party agree to submit a proposal against profits in welfare later in the fall.
It reports on the day’s News.
There will not be any total vinstförbud, but severe restrictions waiting välfärdsbolagen if the proposal goes through.
The negotiations emanates from the välfärdsutredningen presented by Ilmar Reepalu in november, which proposes a model where the välfärdsföretagen should be able to take out 7 per cent on operating capital in profit.
”We agree on the main features, but it remains a part of details,” says civilminister Ardalan Shekarabi (S).
According to the plans , the government has put a bill in march next year.
It is notable that a majority of the members of the Swedish parliament at the moment looks to be against the proposal if vinstbegränsning.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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