This fund replicates the US ESG Minimum Variance Index NR and is now based on a physical replication.
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Paris, June 22, 2017 – Ossiam, the management company of a specialist smart beta [1] and of ETF strategy, a subsidiary of Natixis Global Asset Management, announces the change of investment policy of its fund Ossiam US Minimum Variance NR, which becomes Ossiam US Minimum Variance ESG NR.
This evolution is a result of the commitment of Ossiam for a approach to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) voluntary, enhanced early 2016 by signing the Principles for Responsible Investment, United Nations. Ossiam is convinced that responsible investment are vectors of progress and conditions of a performance of the long-term.
The fund Ossiam US Minimum Variance ESG NR replica now at the upward or downward performance of the index US ESG Minimum Variance Index NR. The index is calculated and published by the provider of the index, Solactive, and relies on the data of ESG provided by Sustainalytics [2].
The index reflects the performance of a sample dynamic actions of the index, Solactive US Large Cap satisfactory ESG criteria and weighted to minimize the volatility of the portfolio. The index Solactive US Large Cap reflects the performance of approximately 500 large u.s. companies.
Each month, a filter ESG based on data provided by Sustainalytics is applied to securities in the investment universe. This filter allows you to select the companies to be rated according to criteria of environmental, social and governance.
The replication method the fund is also evolving into a physical replication. The reference currency of the fund remains the u.s. dollar.
Bruno Poulin, President of Ossiam, said : “With the evolution of our fund, the US Minimum Variance Ossiam makes accessible an investment according to a quantitative strategy and ESG in us shares, an offer is still very little developed on the market. This innovation demonstrates our commitment to strengthen an offer responsible for combining performance and reducing the volatility. ”
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About Ossiam
Ossiam is a management company of a specialist smart beta an affiliate of Natixis Global Asset Management. Based in Paris, Ossiam intends to be the first company in Europe, offering a diversified range of ETFS on strategy indices, based on analyses of quantitative and fundamental stringent. Ossiam was a assets under management of 2.42 billion euros to 31 may 2017. Its leaders are bringing together complementary expertise, covering both the asset management and trading, quantitative research and fundamental, structuring of funds and control of market risks and operational risks. Ossiam is a signatory to the “Principles for Responsible Investment United Nations”.
About Natixis Global Asset Management, SA
Natixis Global Asset Management offers investment solutions, innovative ideas to industry professionals in the world. Thanks to the approach Durable Portfolio Construction®, which focuses on risk management, Natixis Global Asset Management helps you build portfolios to be more strategic, able to adapt to changing and unpredictable market conditions. Natixis Global Asset Management is based on the ideas and expertise of specialists in the sector, and works closely with its customers to support its solutions with concrete data. Natixis Global Asset Management is one of the largest asset management firms globally. Access to more than 20 companies specialized management allows them to offer a wide range of solutions and respond to all the strategic opportunities. From the design to the implementation, Natixis Global Asset Management contributes to the interests of its clients with portfolios more sustainable. Natixis Global Asset Management, INC., whose headquarters is located in Paris and Boston, totaled an amount of assets under management of 837,5 billion at March 31, 2017. Natixis Global Asset Management sa is a subsidiary of Natixis. Listed on the Paris stock Exchange, Natixis is a subsidiary of BPCE, the second largest banking group in France. The companies of investment management and distribution groups, and services affiliated to Natixis Global Asset Management include : the Active Index Advisors ; AEW Capital Management ; AEW Europe ; AlphaSimplex Group ; Axeltis ; Darius Capital Partners ; DNCA Investments ; Dorval Finance ; Emerise ; Gateway Investment Advisers ; H2O Asset Management5 ; Harris Associates ; ; Loomis, Sayles & Company ; Managed Portfolio Advisors ; McDonnell Investment Management; Mirova ; Natixis Asset Management ; Ossiam ; Seeyond ; Vaughan Nelson Investment Management ; Vega Investment Managers; and Natixis Global Asset Management Private Equity, which includes Seventure Partners, Naxicap Partners, Alliance Entreprendre, Euro Private Equity, Caspian Private Equity and Eagle Asia Partners.
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