Rise inexorable smartphone, growing use of mobile to access the Internet… the Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes), the general Council of the economy (CGE) and the digital Agency have made public on Monday, November 27, the edition 2017 of the barometer of the digital. This document, produced by the research Centre for the study and observation of living conditions (Crédoc), allows to analyze the evolution of the behaviour of the French in the face of the digital.
- 73 % of French people own a smartphone
The quasi-totality of the population (94 %) are now equipped with mobile phones. The laptop confirms its influence on the fixed, which continues to lose ground (with a equipment rate of 86 %, down 2 points). The smartphone has become in few years essential : 73 % of the French have one (+ 8 percentage points in a year), compared to only 28% in 2012. The equipment the so-called nomads continue their advance within households. “The tablets, which were timidly made their appearance six years ago, affecting nowadays 44 % of the individuals,” notes the barometer of the digital, an increase of 4 points in one year and 40 points in six years.