A focus group led by Oresys, a consultancy Company in management and organization
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Paris, 29 June – The 15th of June last, of the great groups of the sectors of insurance, banking, consumer and luxury, and transport, met on the occasion of a focus group, and informal, organised and led by Oresys. On this occasion, they were able to exchange “live” with a panel of 8 young people aged 18 to 25 years old, belonging to the generation of Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, selected by a firm panelist specialized. These large companies were able to interrogate the expectations, needs, and desires of this generation, which today comprises some 16 million consumers, and will represent 50% of the active population in 2020.
Among the great lessons of the morning :
· The stereotypes about Millennials are numerous : autonomous generation, pretentious, digital, ethics, volatile, idle, connected, selfish… qualifiers, in which they do not recognize.
· No, Millennials do not privilege not necessarily in the use of technology and the digital at the expense of human contact. Companies must find the right balance between the speed and efficiency of the virtual relationship and the need of human contact.
· Generation Y is a good candidate for the collaborative economy., enjoying the offers small-scale and more personalized than the large-scale distribution. This is a generation more sensitive to the ecological commitment of the brands, eager to find some fundamental ethical.
· The Millennials will not work as their parents. Businesses will have to adapt their report at the time of work and their modes of communication, and flexibility, if they want to be attractive.
These exchanges have been discussed throughout the morning by Patrick Scharnitsky, social psychologist, expert in stereotypes, consultant diversity for enterprises, which was able to bring his lighting generational.
1 education : no, the Millennials do not privilege not necessarily in the use of technology and the digital at the expense of human contact
Many companies view the generation Y as having a desire and an understanding for extreme digital. We recall in fact that the Millennials are born with the 2 tools of communication human and technological. So they have the natural ability to juggle between the two. They are, moreover, a limit to the communication channels, only digital. The need is custom or complex problem, they have less confidence in the effectiveness of an exchange only virtual. Thus, for example, a majority of youth respondents said that they felt “better served by himself” when it comes to buy a train ticket or a plane (a simple purchase, the price of which is practically the only criterion of choice).
Conversely, Millennials have especially alluded to the need for human contact (in-store or by phone) to obtain satisfactory answers, custom and complete, with regard to their banking and financial services. Note : on this type of services, banking or insurance sector, it preferred still for many the body of their parents.
Finally, in terms of safety, rare are those who leave their bank details on websites.
2nd teaching : the generation Y, as a large consumer economy, collaborative sharing, and the search for ethical commitment
The Millennials, who are perceived sometimes as “individualistic” or even “selfish” are in fact in demand of human interaction and social, even in their shopping patterns. They are thus, for example, particularly connected to offers and applications which develop the collaborative economy..
They have a strong sense of community and do not hesitate to be in exchange of “good tips” by consulting the opinions of other consumers, especially through social networks such as Instagram or via their immediate circle. Many of them also use comparison sites online.
However, they do not rely consistently good shots, having an awareness that it is offers marketées. They evoke going more and more to alternative proposals, such as the Do It Yourself.
Finally, the mass distribution does not bring any. They are fleeing from major brands of ready-to-wear general public with similar products, which are struggling to differentiate themselves in their communication, and ultimately deemed not enough ethical and identity. They promote a custom offer, the return to the true, and advocated a return to the ” hand-made “. A majority of them pays attention to these ethical standards both in their shopping behavior than in the employer brands targeted at them. “In an interview, I ask on what basis is the ethical conscience of the company,” says one of the Millennials present. “Before an interview, I tape consistently the company name on Google, to make myself an opinion among the opinions given,” adds another.
3rd teaching : no, Millennials will not work as their parents. Businesses will have to adapt their report at the time of work and their modes of communication, and be flexible if they want to be attractive.
“It is not we who are unstable and indecisive, or lazy, as some perceive. These are the companies that don’t know we keep it, ” points out a person present at the time of the morning. The Millennials surveyed point the finger to certain services or benefits that do not fit their expectations. Their mode of organization and their vision of a day of work differ in several points with the patterns of previous generations, which can create misunderstanding or even annoyance. So that companies see Millennials as “volatile” (and in fact, the turn over of young graduates in the big oven of the council was reduced from 5 to 3 years in less than 10 years), they will need to adapt to their ways of working to retain and convince in the long term, and, in particular, enhance the flexibility of the shared time of life / working time.
“Through this initiative, we wanted to offer to large groups, from all sectors, to take the time to meet the Millennials. This is in comparison to their real needs they will be able to adapt their offer of products and services, ” explains Elena Korneva, a Consultant Oresys to the origin of the project.
“For businesses, the voice of the customer becomes capital, and from the upstream phase from brainstorming, because the Millennials are a generation that relies on customization. This generation has need of cohesion, sharing and belonging, and it is important not to under-estimate the marker of identity that is the brand “, adds Patrick Scharnitzky.
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