The enhanced control of the investment “atypical” : the Authority of the financial markets puts it in oe…

In recent years, many investors have invested in alternative investments (ex : manuscripts, precious metals, rare earths, etc) that promise superior returns to the traditional products, in a context of declining interest rates.

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Until now, these investments are called “atypical” were not the subject of a prior check of the financial markets Authority (AMF), to the extent that they do not rely on traditional financing instruments.

However, 40 % of the French have made investments of this type state that they have been victims of a ” scam “.

Also, in the framework of the law known as the ” christmas Tree 2 “, the Senate extended the powers of the AMF for investments, ” atypical “, at the initiative of the general rapporteur of the finance committee, Albéric de Montgolfier (The Republicans – Eure-et-Loir).

Less than six months after the adoption of this provision, the new monitoring powers of the AMF are now in full force : the companies offering these investments must now obtain prior authorization from the AMF, which will include the existence of sufficient guarantees on the quality of the intermediary and of the operation, as well as the balanced nature of the promotional materials.

Albéric de Montgolfier welcomes the rapid implementation, which should ensure a better protection of investors.

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