Among the six main topics and 23 axes developed by Nicolas Hulot in the framework of its climate plan, it is the measure that has attracted most attention relates to ” the objective of putting an end to the sale of cars emitting greenhouse gas emissions in 2040 “, in other words, vehicles with petrol and diesel. This leaves 23 years for manufacturers to adapt. Referring to the announcement of a range of fully electrified for 2019, made by Volvo on the eve, Nicolas Hulot was assured that they had already anticipated this development.
It has, moreover, insisted that, in doing so, France joined other countries such as the netherlands and Norway (who have announced the end of the thermal cars for 2025) or even Germany and India (2030).
“The end of vehicles only diesel or gasoline is in the air at the time, observes Amaury Klossa, consultant of the energy transition in Emerton. France does that fit in with a movement driven largely beyond our borders, that our manufacturers have already begun to anticipate. Maturity (2040) allow time for manufacturers to prepare for it, and they will sooner or later be forced to bend to this new situation to be able to sell their models in key markets such as China or India, ” he adds.
Indeed, Nicolas Hulot has recalled at her hearing in the Senate on 12 July, the manufacturers have responded to these announcements with a “shish” of good omen.
A question of more power consumption
The real issue, it would not be as much that of auto manufacturers, energy infrastructure, whether power grids or infrastructure of fossil fuels. “For these, it is important to take into account future stranded costs relating to infrastructure hydrocarbonées and the place of gas in the transition,” stresses Amaury Klossa.
For the former, the question arises less in terms of volume of electricity consumed that power.
For Damien Siess, in charge of the strategy of the French Union of electricity (UFE), ” we must do away with the fantasy of the relay of growth for electricians “. The electric vehicle is very efficient and sober, and 10 million electric vehicles would increase the consumption of 10 terrawatt hours, or 2% of the electrical energy now consumed in France.
“The end of the sale of vehicles, gasoline and diesel in 2040 does not mean the disappearance of the thermal park, we are reminded by Jean-Baptiste Galland, director of strategy at Enedis. Our working hypotheses the current, propped up on the EPP, are 5 million electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids in 2030. “
Reconciliation between actors in the automobile and energy
Regardless of the actual number of vehicles all-electric or plug-in hybrid in traffic on the French roads after 2040, ” the real subject is that of the impact of the charging of these vehicles on the network “, details there.
“This issue of the load and the positioning of the terminals on the electrical network arises also for the electric buses “, he says, referring in particular to the equipment 100% electric provided by the city of Paris in the year 2025, but also by a number of other cities.
“It must be that the calls of power simultaneously to be well-managed, at an acceptable cost,” says Damien Siess. It is crucial that all developments (not only terminals, but also the software), be ‘smart ready’ to enter the game. “
This is why Enedis works with professionals from the electricity on the ” smart charging “, which is to organize the management of the recharge. “On the technology front, the steering of networks and the communication via the terminals are to the point,” says Mr. Galland. Remains to develop a direct communication between the vehicles and the terminals or the operators of mobility. That is precisely the purpose of the GIREVE (Group for roaming recharges electric vehicles), which brings together Enedis, Renault, CDC, EDF and CNR.
“The worlds of the automobile and electricity are now working hand in hand, welcomes Jean-Baptiste Galland. The master password shall be that of the coordination between actors. “, he insists.
The storage in the center of the energy transition
Christophe Bourgueil, in charge of business development in the storage business, Eaton (specialist of the conversion, the management and protection of energy), the climate plan presented by Nicolas Hulot announced ” an acceleration of the energy transition “. The development of renewable energies and electric vehicles, accompanied by far-reaching changes in uses and power consumption, involves adding to the electrical system of the ” elements of flexibility “, so, storage. In partnership with Nissan, Eaton has been working on the repackaging of electric vehicle batteries used for storage purposes, residential or industrial, or benches to recharge. Even if the regulatory framework remains to be specified concerning the definition, use and remuneration of the storage, this sector is not least as one of the cornerstones of the energy transition, made more urgent still by the acceleration expected from the deployment of electric mobility.