The Group PAROT won three prizes : the Special Prize of the Jury, the Master of the best activity out VN in its category and the 3rd Prize of the training and human resources
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After winning in may the Trophy Distributor VO in the States the Majors of the used Vehicle, the Group PAROT is once again rewarded for its dynamism, its strategy, its innovative approach on the market of the automobile and the support of its employees. He won three awards at the Master Auto Infos, held yesterday evening in the prestigious setting of the salle Wagram, in Paris.
The Special Prize of the Jury : a recognition for the innovative strategy and unprecedented Group PAROT
In the light of new modes of consumption, PAROT wanted to imagine a digital model with a value proposition news : the digital platform for the sale of used vehicles The customer chooses a model, but a car that adapts to its mode of life and its needs. It pays that the use of (funding LOA no equity), and benefits of services and warranties that are usually reserved for buyers of new vehicles.
In an industry where the strategies of conquest and development of the market of the used vehicle are the same for the past 50 years, the approach is disruptive to the Group PAROT stands out and surprises her peers. Awarded for the first time, the Special Prize of the Jury of the Master Auto Infos reward, outside of the other categories, a leader of the sector having undertaken an innovative approach and inspiring for his colleagues. For this first edition, it was Alexander Parot, Group CEO, PAROT, who won the Prize of the Jury, in the presence of Clement Eurly, Director, automobile division, Google France, and Gilles Mallet, Client Partner Automotive, Facebook France. In 2016, convinced that it was necessary to break the codes of the vehicle market, it has launched a new strategy to offer consumers a approach to meet their mobility needs. To get there, for a reminder, the Group PAROT has taken a turning point in its history by becoming the 1st automotive retail group French stock market-listed and has taken major steps on its three pillars : the expansion of the network on the national level, the conquest of the market of the used vehicle, thanks to the acquisition of VO 3000, and the recent launch of
The Price of the best activity and the 3rd Prize of the training and human resources development : two proofs of a recognised know-how
In addition the approach is disruptive in its market, it is also the know-how of the Group PAROT has acquired over the years that has been put in the spotlight. Evidence that it is now necessary to overcome its traditional methods and combined with new, more digital, in order to succeed. In effect, he is being rewarded for having conducted the best activity, outside VN, in the category “less than 7 000 vehicles” in 2016. This ranking has been prepared by the PwC, on the basis of a study of the ratios of economic distribution systems, motor private. The Group PAROT was also awarded the 3rd Prize of the training and human resources development, awarded by the organization of training GNFA, for its recognized HR policy in the sector for years. It aims to infuse this spirit startup and agile approach initiated with having allowed to obtain the Prize of the Jury. To date, the Group PAROT account of 715 employees.
Alexander Parot, admitted yesterday : “We are delighted and proud to receive these awards. This industry recognition strengthens us in the idea that it is necessary to be a player in the evolution of our market and that this can only be done thanks to our knowledge of the trade and consumers, and also to our know-how acquired over the years. These awards are also our employees, the first support of our strategy. Thanks to them, the Group PAROT is more strong to achieve its objectives. ”
About the Group PAROT
Mobility specialist automotive since 1978, the Group PAROT is a major player in the distribution of personal vehicles and commercial, new and used, across 12 brands, including Ford, BMW, Mini, Mazda and Mitsubishi. It also offers a wide range of associated services : after-sales services (maintenance, repair…) and financial solutions (financing, insurance, warranties, etc.). Since 2014, the family group, owned by Alexander and Virginia Parot is committed to a strategy for national rollout. In this capacity, he has completed in 2016, the acquisition of VO 3000 and the Group Behra. It is now home to 32 sites distributed around the whole of France, animated by 715 employees and achieved a turnover pro forma 2016 399 M to nearly 20,000 vehicles sold.
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