In the Face of the platforms american streaming (playback without downloading) – which, they say, the interest for their country, the delights, the actors, screenwriters and filmmakers Danish only seen a solution : become an ally to hope to be heard. According to Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, the chairman of the trade union of actors, there goes the future of the “Danish model” of compensation in the cinema and the television, as it is defined by the collective agreements.
Wednesday, October 24, the three professions have made it clear that if Netflix and HBO wanted to now recruit an actor, a writer or a Danish director, first, they should find a compromise with the organization ” Create Denmark, founded in 2016 to defend the rights of the author of the national artists. Not a question of being the “Polish workers” to a sector in full expansion, thunder the unions.
At issue : the refusal of the two gigantic americans, involved in several local productions, to comply with the compensation model Danish, which combines salary and royalties. “In Denmark, our fees are relatively low,” says Benjamin Boe Rasmussen. But they are outweighed by the rights that we touch then on each broadcast. “Actor, he has appeared in the cast of two episodes of the series The Killing, produced by the chain-Danish DR. “Since then, I’ve seen the equivalent of 130 % of my pay in royalties “, he says.
In this way, Netflix and HBO oppose an end of inadmissibility, requiring the application of a system of ” buy-out “, which provides, in addition to the salary, an advance on rights, the amount of which varies from 15 % to 25 % of the initial wage. Compensation considered insufficient by the trade unions, knowing that the sum of royalties touched in ten years may double the amount of the stamp.
Been in place for decades, this model has shaped the ecosystem in Danish, observes…