Paris, June 6, 2017 Fund-Eco, managed by Bpifrance on behalf of the State in the framework of the actions of the investments for the future (PIA) entrusted to the ADEME, participates in the fund raising of the company’s Safety Line. This investment will accompany the development of the portfolio of solutions and customers of the Safety Line, to the international. It was made the occasion of a fundraising for a total amount of 3 million euros, to the sides of the structures of industrial investments of the respective Rudder and the ADP Group.
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Safety Line is a leader of the data analysis for the aviation market. Safety Line has developed innovative software solutions that allow airlines and airports to deal with major issues of air transport safety, saving fuel and environment. Safety Line, founded in 2010 by Pierre Jouniaux, a former pilot and senior investigator at the BEA, today employs 18 people and offers a range of innovative solutions, such OptiClimb (software for the optimization of fuel custom upstream of the flights) or AirsideWatch (software improvement operations at an airport using RADAR data). Strong of its knowledge of the trades of the air and its expertise in handling large-scale data, developed in the framework of a partnership with INRIA, the company now has nearly 40 customers, airlines and airports, in France and abroad.
“This funding of 3 million euros will allow us to accelerate our marketing and our international development as well as recruiting teams to meet all the new contracts being signed. Since its creation, the Safety Line is surrounded by industrial partners major such as Saffron, ADP Group and Panasonic, ” explains Pierre Jouniaux.
Anne-Sophie Carrese, investment Director at Bpifrance, commented : “We are delighted with our investment in Safety Line, a start-up that we think we are perfectly positioned on the market promising big data applied to aeronautics, for which the prospects are significant, both in terms of optimizing the exploitation of energy saving. The management team of the Safety Line consists of profiles of experienced and complementary, and the backing of our investment in industrial and major operators in these markets are the key to the success of this nugget. ”
“We have developed with Safety Line, our partner from 2016, a joint offer integrating service-SFCO2 of Saffron, which allows airlines to reduce their fuel consumption and their polluting emissions and the solution OptiClimb of the Safety Line, which focuses on the phase of ascent of each flight,” said François Planaud, Director general of the division Services and Repairs to Rudder Aircraft Engines.
“This entry into the capital allows Safran to develop the areas of partnerships with Safety Line and accelerate the development of innovative solutions for our customers around the analysis of the data. “, adds Eric Dalbiès, Director of Strategy and M&A at Safran.
“This investment is fully in line with the framework of our program, Innovation Hub, which seeks to establish strategic partnerships with innovative young companies. The complementarity of the actors of this operation is the symbol of cooperation relevant and sustainable. The product Airside Watch has demonstrated its interest in operating on the Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. In addition, new co-developments are ongoing to optimize the movement of aircraft on the platforms, at the service of operational performance and safety in close liaison with the DGAC and the airlines, ” says Edward Arkwright, executive Director General of the ADP Group.
About Safety Line
Based in Paris, the company Safety Line offers software solutions in Big Data for the safety and efficiency of flight operations and airport focusing on the reduction of the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. A solid expertise in aviation associated with research projects Big Data patented and applied to the air transport allow the Safety Line to offer airlines and airports a range of innovative products. The approach of the Safety Line is to integrate with any other solution already in place at the customer through strategic partnerships and an open architecture. As a result, customers are unable to take benefits of these innovative solutions to immediate and effective way.
Learn more about Safety Line : / Follow us : @_SafetyLine
About the fund Eco
Subscribed by the Caisse des Dépôts and endowed with 150 million euros in the framework of the implementation of the actions of the Investments for the Future (PIA) entrusted to the ADEME, this fund is managed by Bpifrance Investissement. The FPIC Fund Eco-investing amounts from 1 to 10 million euros, by systematically seeking a co-investment pari passu with private actors, in a logical and shrewd investor. The fund focuses on transactions in equity and quasi-equity for minority holdings in innovative SMES, mainly established in France and unlisted.
The sectors of intervention of the fund, Eco fall under the four programs Investments for the Future ” managed by the ADEME, namely (i) renewable energy low-carbon and green chemistry, (ii) smart power grids or smart grids, (iii) circular economy (recycling of waste, eco-design and industrial ecology) (iv) vehicle of the future. The thematic Fund Eco are described more precisely in the calls for expressions of interest (eoi) launched by ADEME and accessed directly by following this link – Follow us on :@bpifrance
For more information
The Environment Agency and Energy management (ADEME) participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of environment, energy and sustainable development. In order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach, the agency provides companies, local communities, public authorities and the general public, its capacities of expertise and advice. It helps in addition to financing projects, from research to implementation, and this, in the following areas : waste management, soil conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy, air quality and noise control.
The ADEME is a public establishment under the supervision of the ministries for Ecology, sustainable Development and Energy and of higher Education and Research.
About Saffron
Safran is an international high-technology group, a leading original equipment manufacturer in the fields of Aeronautics, Space and Defence. Located on all continents, the Group employs approximately 58 000 employees and a turnover of 15.8 billion euros in 2016. Safran holds, alone or in partnership, leading positions worldwide or european in its markets. To respond to the changing markets, the Group engages in research and development programs, which accounted for a 2016 expenditure of 1.7 billion euros. Saffron is a company listed on Euronext Paris and is part of the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50.
For more information : / Follow @Safran on Twitter
About the ADP Group
The ADP Group builds, equips and operates airport platforms, among which are Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget. In 2016, Paris Airport has welcomed more than 97 million passengers at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, 2.2 million tons of cargo and mail, and nearly 42 million passengers through airports managed abroad by its subsidiary Aéroports de Paris Management. Boasting an exceptional geographic location and a strong catchment area, the group is pursuing a strategy to develop its capacities and improve the quality of its services and intends to develop its retail and real estate. In 2016, the group’s turnover amounted to 2 947 million euros and net income of 435 million euros. Aéroports de Paris SA au capital de 296 881806 euros. Head office : 1 rue de France – Tremblay en France 93290. RCS Bobigny, france 552 016 628.
Learn more about the ADP Group : / Follow @ParisAeroport on Twitter
Bpifrance Investment : Laurent Arthaud, Anne-Sophie Carrese, Edward Combette, Laurent Babut
Safran Corporate Ventures : Hélène de Cointet, Gregory Aladjidi,
ADP group : Sébastien Couturier, Matthew Piron
Legal advice Safety Line : Gide (David James Sebbag, Arnaud de Keulenaer)
Legal counsel for the investors : Chammas et Marcheteau (Lola Chammas, Roman Penloup)
Financial Advice : Foucault, Eurvad
Bpifrance Investment: Fabienne Gérard
Safran Corporate Ventures : Ludovic Prodhomme
ADP group : Jean-Baptiste Dupuis
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