The companies of the VTC require an overhaul of the examination of drivers

The failure rate is worse than feared by the societies of VTC (vehicle of tourism with chauffeur). A year after the implementation of these tests, only 14% of candidates in the examination of driver of VTC were given the right of driving for private Driver, Uber and their competitors, according to figures unpublished, compiled by the chambers of trades and crafts, who have organized this selection.

Between may and December 2017, on the 12 of 406 aspiring drivers who have presented themselves for examination during the ten sessions organized in France, 1 707 only were admitted, 10 of 699 have seen their application rejected. Consequence : a shortage of drivers, wait times lengthening and prices are going up.

“The process is opaque and inefficient, it constitutes a barrier incomprehensible to entry into the profession,” says Yan Hascoet, the CEO of private Driver, heavy goods sector with 18,000 drivers.

Theoretical exam of the seven rounds, and then practice test

Introduced by the law Grandguillaume in December 2016, this review was started in may of 2017. Since the 1st of January, it is mandatory for all drivers of VTC, including the drivers employees under the statute said “LOTI” (loi d’orientation des transports intérieurs), in principle, reserved to public transport.

“Most of the candidates fail to do so were the drivers LOTI who worked as VTC, and to whom one says that they are not actually capable of “, said Yan Hascoet.

For companies of VTC, the failure rate and the huge variation of results from one session to the other (72 % of eligible, may 30th at 11 % on 17 October) are the sign that this exam be used to limit arbitrarily the number of drivers.

“It has been put in place in haste, without guidelines, and leaves room for much subjectivity in the questions,” said Bertrand…

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