Bank lending to business continues to increase, and lending is now at a level that is the highest in several years.
It shows a study from Almi Företagspartner, according to a press release.
The June poll shows that more than half of the bankcheferna stated that lending has increased compared with the previous quarter. According to Almi, it is a ”historically very high level in a comparison with the ten years of the latest kvartalsmätningar”.
The increased lending is used primarily for investment. 81% of the banks said that loans are used for investments in machinery and equipment. 76% stated that the loans used as working capital and 72 per cent loans are used for investments in owner-occupied properties.
”This is a very positive report. Banks ‘ lending continues to increase and that the largest area of application is investment in their own business shows that corporate borrowing is growth-oriented,” says Anna Hallberg, vice president Almi.
53% of bankkontorscheferna believe that lending continues to increase in the coming quarter. On a one-year term, nearly 66 per cent of them increased lending.
”It is unusual to many who are optimistic about the future lending. It is, of course, a positive konjunktursignal which shows that the banks believe in a continued good development, and they help finance this growth”, says Anna Hallberg.
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