Tethys Oil’s share of production in Blocks 3&4 onshore the Sultanate of Oman, prior to the settlement of the state’s share, amounted in may 2017 for 381 638 barrels of oil, corresponding to an average daily production of 12 311 barrels of oil.
Tethys Oil AB, through its wholly owned subsidiary Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 Ltd., A 30 per cent stake in Blocks 3&4. Partners are Mitsui E&P Middle East B. V. with 20 per cent and the operator CC Energy Development S. A. L. (Oman branch) with 50 percent share.
For further information, please contact the
Magnus Nordin, Managing Director, tel.: +46 8 505 947 00
This information is such information Tethys Oil AB is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning. The information was submitted, by the above contact person in the government, for publication on 21 June 2017, there is a 13:10 CET.
Tethys Oil AB (publ)
Tethys Oil is a Swedish oil company with a focus on onshoreområden with known oljefynd. Tethys core area is Oman, where the company has 21 million barrels of proved and probable oil reserves and a production rate of around 12 000 barrels a day from Blocks 3&4. Tethys Oil also has exploration assets onshore France and Lithuania, and the production of certain goods in Lithuania. The shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (TETY).