Supernova Invest, the asset management company created by the historic team of CEA Investment in partnership with the CEA, Commissariat à l’energie Atomique and alternative energy, and Amundi, the first asset manager in the european term of encours1 with over 1 100 billion euros under management, announced the raising of its second fund since its inception in march 2017.
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Named “Supernova 2”, it is a FPIC -Professional Fund for venture Capital – with 75 million euros, dedicated to investing in seed capital for companies developing a new activity and a technology-based product which has strong disruptive innovations in the field of technology to Industry, Health, Energy, the Environment and Information and Communication.
“Supernova 2” distinguishes itself from other funds by its focus on the hardware innovations, and its direction firmly technological. It is, in this respect, the successor of ATI, which was lifted in 2013, with an investment strategy similar to the one below, but with a smaller size (38 million euros).
While the initial lift was 50 million euros, the result of the subscription of the “Supernova 2” of 75 million euros is proof of confidence in its management team, including the ability to scan folders to be technically complex and hybrid is recognized, as much as its financial results over the past 10 years.
The underwriters of the fund are : 9 of 39 regional banks of Crédit Agricole and, in particular, the Caisse Sud Rhône Alpes close to the team and the CEA of Grenoble, to 41% ;
The National Fund Seeding managed by Bpi France, including “Supernova 2” will implement the strategic elements key, for 33% ;
The CEA via CEA Investment to about 10% ;
Large industrial companies or related parties (Michelin, Vinci, EDF, Biomérieux, the Udimec) to about 10% ;
Families offices and contractors to 6%.
“Supernova 2” is immediately active with several investments already decided on the basis of the preparatory work carried out in parallel to the release of the funds. They will be announced shortly.
In addition to the recovery of the historical funds CEA Investment (with a mandate from council to the strategic fund of the CEA and the management of ATI, its first Fund-FNA), Supernova Invest has also risen and manages the fund ” Crédit Agricole Innovations and Territories “, announced last April, in which the Crédit Agricole group, via the regional banks, Crédit Agricole Assurances and Crédit Agricole has raised approximately € 50 million to support young, innovative companies.
With this new fund, “Supernova 2”, which are now 230 million euros that manages or advises Supernova Invest, asset management company that was a by CEA Investissement (40%), Amundi PEF (40%), and the team outcome of CEA Investissement (20%).
Thanks to the historical ties that it has forged with the CEA, Supernova Invest has access to a deal flow of high-quality. These links also allow you to benefit from its expertise in high technologies, its licensing of intellectual property, but also of an entire ecosystem, the real factor is acceleration and operational optimization of investment needs.
Supernova Invest is continuing to pursue its development strategy to become a key actor of the capital investment dedicated to the technological innovation at all stages of maturity of innovative companies, stars up in start-up companies mature, on the two major types of technological innovations :
disruptive innovations, based on the intensive development of disruptive technologies from research laboratories and associated more often with industrial issues ;
the innovations to use, based on the assembly of mature technologies for the development of uses and/or new economic models, well-represented, especially in the digital economy.
To be Governed, whether due, the Managing Partner of Supernova Invest and previously managing Director of CEA Investissement : “The launch of Supernova 2 is a success that exceeds our goals and dedicated to the relevance of the alliance between CEA, Amundi, and the management team. Supernova 2 has means largely superior to those available to ATI, which, however, carried out several disposals with a capital gain and ipos. ”
For Daniel Verwaerde, Director general of the CEA : “This is a very large success which will allow the financing of beautiful, innovative companies, in particular, upgrading of technologies from the laboratories of the CEA, but not exclusively”
Pedro Antonio Arias, Director of real assets and alternative of Amundi said : “This second strike is successful in the space of less than a year brand, undeniably, the success of our joint initiative as well as the recognition of the management team that Amundi is proud to accompany. ”
1 Perimeter Amundi funds – Data as of December 31, 2016 – * N°1 in the total amount of assets under management of management companies having their headquarters located in continental Europe – Source IPE Top 400 Asset managers published in June 2016 on the basis of assets under management to December 2015
About the CEA
The CEA is a public research organization which is involved in four areas : defence and security, energy (nuclear and renewable, the technology research for industry and basic research.
Based on the ability of its recognized expertise, the CEA is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many academic and industrial partners. With its 16 000 researchers and collaborators, it is a major player in the european research area and has a growing presence internationally.
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About Amundi
Side since November 2015, Amundi is the leading asset manager in europe in terms of outstanding*, with over 1 100 billion euros under management in the world. With six platforms of management in the major river basins in international financial, Amundi has earned the trust of its customers by the depth of his research and his experience of the market. Amundi is the trusted partner of 100 million individual customers, 1 000 institutional clients and 1000 distributors in over 30 countries, and designs products and innovative and efficient services to these types of customer, tailored to their needs and risk profiles specific. Visit for more information or to find the team Amundi close to you.
* Perimeter Amundi funds – Data as of march 31, 2017 – * N°1 in the total amount of assets under management of management companies having their headquarters located in continental Europe – Source IPE Top 400 Asset managers published in June 2016 on the basis of assets under management to December 2015
Edited by Amundi AM – Société anonyme au capital de 1 086 262 605 portfolio management Company authorised by the AMF n° GP 04000036 –
Head office : 90 boulevard Pasteur 75015 Paris France 437 574 452 RCS Paris
About Amundi Private Equity Funds
With more than 6.5 billion euros of outstanding (December 31, 2016), Amundi Private Equity Funds offers its retail and institutional clients a wide range of products built to suit their needs. Clients can invest in two types of products : direct funds dedicated to the acquisition of a stake in direct in non-listed companies (by stage of development, and transmission) ; and the fund-of-funds dedicated to investments in private equity funds, private debt and infrastructure. Amundi PEF is a management company approved by the AMF under n° GP 99.105, société anonyme au capital de 12 394 096, 100% owned by Amundi.
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