Lund, 21 June, 2017
Study on elite athletes shows that ColdZyme protects by providing fewer sick – and lost training days and improved quality of life
Enzymatica has now published the results from a studie1 where the Swedish top athletes have been using ColdZyme
® Breath spray in a preventive for colds and to reduce the symptoms of colds. The results from the study show that ColdZyme reduced the number of sick days by over 50 per cent of the two groups of ice hockey players and biathletes compared with the previous kontrollperioder. The study also shows that the top athletes who was cold and who used ColdZyme experienced mild flu-like symptoms and improved quality of life compared with common cold without treatment.
Enzymatica conducted a study with elite athletes that used the ColdZyme in 3-12 months during the winter seasons of 2012-2014 in Sweden. 11 biathletes, 29 ice hockey player and 20 handbollsspelare participated and submitted data on days of absence in connection with training and competition. In addition, they were which was a cold answer questions about symptoms and quality of life.
The results from the study show that the average number of sick days per athletes of the month for use of ColdZyme is significantly decreased by 51% for he glorified the nazi and by 67 percent for ishockeyspelarna compared with kontrollperioderna. The athletes in the study who became infected reported milder symptoms and a significant improvement of quality of life (for example, sleep and performance) compared with the common cold without treatment with ColdZyme. 9 of 11 biathletes reported that they felt better or much better by using ColdZyme, and that they had mild or very mild flu-like symptoms. For handbollsspelarna reported similar results in which 76 percent responded to the cold in connection with the use of ColdZyme was so mild that it had little or no effect on the quality of life.
The use of ColdZyme has had a major impact on my training as a biathlete. Before I started using ColdZyme I could have 30 to 40 sick days per season compared to 3-5 days in the use of ColdZyme, ” says Torstein Stenersen, who competes for the Swedish biathlon team.
The results from this study confirm the results from our first clinical study (COLDPREV IN) which, among other things, showed a halving of the number of sick days. The study on elite athletes shows that the use of ColdZyme can be a simple and practical way to protect against the cold, by reducing the number of sick days and the amount of flu-like symptoms, ” says Fredrik Lindberg, CEO of Enzymatica.
1 Clarsund, M. Evaluation of ColdZyme Mouth Spray for the Protection against the Common Cold in Elite Athletes to Reduce Unwanted Absence from Training and Competition. Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 2017, 7, 103 to 109.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Lindberg, CEO Enzymatica AB
Tel: 0708-86 53 70 | E-mail:
About Enzymatica AB
Enzymatica AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells medical products against infektionsrelaterade diseases. In a short time, the company has developed ColdZyme®, a unique oral spray for cold, launched the product in eight markets, and established themselves among the best-selling förkylningsprodukterna, calculated in Swedish kronor on the Swedish pharmacy. The strategy is to continue to grow by strengthening its position in existing markets and expand into more geographic markets via the established partners. The company has headquarters in Lund, sweden and is listed on Nasdaq First North. For more information, please visit:
News Enzymatica study elite athletes, Eng 170621