Last year’s record harvest of this year, less than 5 million tonnes of autumn wheat in the granary is in, but it will be sufficient for the domestic supply, even for export, too, about 2.3 million tonnes, said the National agricultural economics Chamber (NAK) presidential spokesman on Monday, the M1 current channel in the morning to feed.
Lakatos Katalin told that the wheat quality of the area was variable, but overall, very good. The country’s western part was an area where the wheat was 60 to 75 percent of milling quality, but the lowland regions, the wheat is only feed grade was because of the drought.
He talked about a government objective to get more edible quality of wheat crops in Hungary, because the Hungarian cereal is not only GMO-free, but also eu and world level also high quality, therefore very sells well. The feed wheat use an appropriate number of animals is necessary, the equilibrium ratio should be to create the two quality.
Lakatos Katalin, according to this year’s corn average yield of per hectare 7 tons on average, but precise estimates later you can give, because – as he said – “the harvest is still corn much sleep out here in the field”. Indicated that the good harvest, more precipitation would be needed.