Settlement of accounts among legal publishers

It is a thunderclap in the world of legal publishing. According to our information officers and it experts were presented, Friday, October 5, in several local Forseti, the company operating the search engine Objective : to have access to the servers of the star of the “legaltech” French.

This statement is very outstanding has been granted by the Tribunal de commerce of Paris, of the big names in legal publishing, which denounce practices aggressive and non-ethical on the part of their young competitor. “Our suspicions are supported by evidence, but it was necessary to obtain others, which will be placed in escrow and will characterize unfair competition “, explains Christophe Caron, the lawyer who represents LexisNexis, Dalloz, Lexbase, Wolters Kluwer and Lextenso.

Some of the practices of the Doctrine had been revealed by The World in its June 28 edition. The leaders of the start-up, born in 2016, had created, through an entity in london, domain names mimicking those used by lawyers and universities. – close to the main messaging in France to the legal professions has been registered on the platform Gandi, December 6, 2017, that, and

These addresses, and many others whose origin is not established at this stage, were used for contact-graft court to get copies of legal decisions. Because if these information are in theory public, in practice, the congestion of the courts, restricted their access. If there is nothing illegal in filing applications with the registries, the method is subject to debate : the use of the domain names to mislead the questioner on his or her identity is akin to the offence of ” typosquattage “.

“The evidence collected during the seizure will…

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