Declaration of shares and voting rights established in application of article L. 233-8 of the French commercial code
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In application of article L. 233-8 II of the French commercial code and article 223-16 of the general regulations of the AMF, the companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market shall publish, in accordance with the arrangements laid down in article 221-3 of the general regulation of the AMF, each month, the total number of voting rights and number of shares composing the share capital of the company if they have changed compared to those published previously.
Name of issuer SEQUANA
Address of the registered office to 8 rue de Seine
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Regulated Market (Euronext)
Compartment C
ISIN Code : FR0011352590
Mnemonic : SEQ
Indices : CAC Small® and CAC Mid & Small®
Eligible for the SRD
A double voting right is conferred to each share recorded in registered form in the name of the same shareholder for at least two years.
NB : the articles of incorporation of Sequana shall provide, in addition to the respect of the rules relating to declarations of crossing of legal thresholds, any person or entity who comes to hold, directly or indirectly, through one or several legal entities that it controls within the meaning of article L. 233 – 3 of the French commercial code, 0.5% of the share capital, is obliged to declare to the company the total number of shares that she possesses and that, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent within five trading days following the crossing of the threshold of participation. These declarations must be renewed under the conditions provided for above each time a new 0.5% threshold is crossed, upward or downward, even if the thresholds crossed are higher or lower than the thresholds provided by the law.
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