Business recommend to wait in the Storytel and Scandidos. For the medical technology company Bonesupport and the Construction company Peab, however, is the price tag too high, and thus applies it to sell.
Ljudboksföretaget Storytel has bright growth prospects in an attractive market, writing the Business community. With a market value of 3.5 billion sek, which corresponds to 3 times annual turnover, however, is the valuation high. Business recommend wait.
It Lundabaserade the medical technology company Bonesupport is unjustifiably expensive. The company, which belongs to the newcomers on the stockholm stock exchange, are traded on the listing price of 29 sek. It will be better buying opportunities, says the business world and sets a target price of 21 Swedish kronor with säljrekommendation.
Company Scandidos has lost more than 60 per cent of the value of the shares from the listing on First North in the spring of 2014. The company is growing rapidly and has interesting triggers, but the costs would increase, there may be new issues, mean Business and put the recommendation to wait.
Vinstlyftet for the construction company Peab has lifted its share price to unprecedented heights. The company is highly valued among jämförelseobjekten and the goal of a 20 percent return on equity over a business cycle feels far-fetched, mean Business and recommend sell.
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