SEB’s Sparbarometer for the first quarter of 2017: Rising aktietillgångar driving up household wealth

The Swedish households ‘ gross and net worth increased during the first quarter of 2017. The main reason for the increase was increased aktietillgångar but also the categories of interest and real estate assets contributed. It shows SEB’s Sparbarometer for the first quarter of 2017 as presented today.

Household net worth rose in the first quarter with 466 billion (4 per cent) and amounted at the end of the quarter to 13 514 billion. The value of households ‘ bruttoförmögenhet step with 520 billion to 17 314 billion, which corresponds to approximately 4 times Sweden’s GDP. The single largest contribution came from increased aktietillgångar. Households ‘ new amounted to sek 58 billion during the first quarter which is an increase of 21 billion (57 per cent) compared with the previous quarter.

– During the first quarter, households ‘ assets, with 520 billion. The largest part of the increase came from rising aktietillgångar, where rising fondvärden played a big role, ” says SEB’s privatekonom Jens Magnusson.

During the first quarter, households ‘ debts grew by 54 billion (1.4 per cent), which basically is the same rate of increase as the previous quarter. Also on an annual basis, the rate of increase was almost unchanged compared with the previous quarter and amounted to less than 6.9 per cent. Household increase in debt has had an average annual growth rate of 8 percent since the beginning of 2000-century. Historically, the first quarter has been a relatively good indicator of how skuldökningstakten will develop during the rest of the year. Housing loans continue to account for 77,5 per cent of households ‘ aggregate liabilities.

– We can conclude that household debt continues to increase, albeit at a lower rate than the average over the last 15 years. For the first time in two years, it is not housing loans growing at a faster rate than other loans. During the first quarter, it is instead the growth in consumer lending that is growing the fastest. Even if household assets continues to be more than four times as large as the liabilities, so is the development of household indebtedness important to keep under surveillance, ” says Jens Magnusson.

Households ‘ assets and liabilities, the first quarter of 2017, billion

Distribution of household assets, the first quarter of 2017


Total assets, sek Bn

Change in percent

Interest related

3 900

+3.4 the


5 869


Real estate

7 544


For more information please contact

Jens Magnusson, privatekonom

08-676 91 18, 070-210 22 67

Gustav Sjöholm, responsible for the compilation of the Sparbarometern:

08-763 74 49

Press contact

Laurence Westerlund

08-763 86 27

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Sparbarometer q1 2017 Report

Press release (PDF)

Sparbarometer q1 2017 (PDF)

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