Wednesday to gradually restore the circulation of the Russian metro cars boring by renovated subway train I’m in Budapest on line 3, – stated the BKV told MTI on Tuesday.
The transport company stated the manufacturer has fulfilled the ministry of National development, as a court of first instance of the railway transport authority as required by technical studies, the authority and the assemblies passenger traffic is deemed suitable.
The commissioning permit for six refurbished train gradual release of claims already on Wednesday you can start – read the BKV communication.
The renovated Russian metro cars, on June 23, pulled out of the traffic authority, the traffic after the failure due to type authorization-review procedure was initiated.
Prior to that, more problems arise in the restored fittings, many times the circulation had to merge them to a shorter period, the BKV that’s why 800 million huf penalty claim was reported in the subway cars boring. The BKV also announced that it will not send out refurbished old train, while the technical conditions do not improve radically, since the failure rate of the scheduled passenger traffic of compromised.
The first refurbished metro train on 20 march are available in Budapest, but already the first days have a problem with it. Tarlós István mayor, the initial errors after you said, they are inevitable in the renovated fittings. At the end of march communicated, then there will be trouble, if in a month there are bugs with the trains. The BKV early June, the failures for a time, all the renovated assembly withdrawn.
According to the contract, 222 subway car renovation of almost 220 million euros.