Paris, June 19, 2017 EDHEC business school, 1 Master in Finance in the world according to the Financial Times in its ranking which was published today. This result demonstrates the international excellence of the EDHEC business school in finance.
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Winner of 7 seats in 3 years, EDHEC business school is today ranked the best Business School worldwide in finance according to the Financial Times. This ranking validates the strategy impact implementation for several years by the school, who has led a political radical research international, in close contact with the companies. The production of a research which is useful and which was then broadcast in the various programs, has a outstanding impact on the placement of the students, anywhere in the world.
This first place on the podium, highlighting the excellence of the portfolio of programmes of EDHEC business school in finance and, first of all, the Master of Science in Financial Markets, delivered on the campus of Nice, EDHEC, here rewarded. The dimensions analysed by the Financial Times, including through a questionnaire addressed to our graduates, to join the pillars of the program : Excellence in teaching and diversity in student experiences, Satisfaction and career development of graduates, international exhibition (” Alumni Career Progress “, “School diversity” & “International experience and reach,” according to the FT).
“We are very proud of the international recognition of the EDHEC business school as best Business School in finance in the world. Our development model is original ” EDHEC for business “, which is based on academic excellence and close contact with the business is acclaimed by the market for years, and our graduates are today among the most sought-after by the financial institutions of the largest squares in the world,” says Olivier Oger, managing Director of the EDHEC Business School.
EDHEC business school has become an academic institution of reference in the financial industry, since the creation in 2001 of EDHEC Risk Institute (ERI) by Professor Noël Amenc. The center for applied research in the management of assets, with no equivalent in the world, has given rise since to the creation of two new entities. EDHEC Infrastructure first of all, supported by the monetary authority of Singapore, became the first research team on financing and risk assessment of infrastructure projects. The second, ERI Scientific Beta, which is based in London, Singapore, Nice, Paris, Boston and Tokyo is today one of the world leaders in the design and production of alternative indices with traditional indices of market. These three entities generate income from annual research of over 15 million euros. These revenues correspond to the use by the largest international financial institutions (Amundi, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Nomura, SG, among others), models and products of research of EDHEC business school. Indices Scientific Beta correspond to more than $ 15 billion of assets under management for the benefit of the largest pension funds and sovereign wealth funds in the world. It is clear that this valorization of the research creates an a priori very positive, a preference for the graduates of the EDHEC business school with the largest companies that are also clients of the EDHEC…
This result confirms the overall rise in the power of the EDHEC business school in the whole of world rankings : the school has won this year 11 places in the rankings, the FT European Business Schools, 10 places in the ranking FT Global MBAs in the world and 7 places in the ranking FT Executive Education in the world.
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