July 5, 2017
PiezoMotor Uppsala AB (publ) (“PiezoMotor” or the “company”) today announces that the company has entered into a partnership with another chinese player in the semiconductor industry.
As a result of a utvärderingsfas in 2016 and 2017 will begin the formal development where PiezoMotors Piezo LEGS®technology must be integrated into the advanced systems of the lithography equipment, see used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices. The customer replaces the PiezoMotor of the resources the company dedicates to the project.
“The compensation to the PiezoMotor at a full project is expected to amount to SEK 5-10 m, but the large value is not, of course, in projektersättningen, but in the future deliveries of Piezo LEGS®motors. The customer is a very important player in the market for production equipment for the semiconductor industry and is as a reference client a stunning door opener for the PiezoMotor in China. Cooperation proves the level of our products related to, among other things, nano-positioning,” says Johan Westermark, CEO of PiezoMotor.
For questions, please contact:
Johan Westermark, CEO
+46 (0)708-18 24 00
Certified Adviser
Erik Penser Bank AB, Apelbergsgatan 27, Stockholm, sweden. Telephone: +46 (0)8-463 80 00. E-mail: info@penser.se.
If The PiezoMotor
PiezoMotor is a world-leading developer and manufacturer of cutting-edge mikromotorer based on piezoelectric materials. Effective, extremely precise and very small replacement engines are the traditional technology and allows for the motorization where this has previously not been possible. Engine performance includes nanometerprecis movement (1 nanometer = 1 millionth of a millimeter) and very high force in a miniatyriserat format. The engines work in a vacuum and can be made completely non-magnetic, which also opens up completely new opportunities. In Uppsala, PiezoMotor its own facility for högvolymtillverkning, research and development and corporate headquarters. All of the major geographic markets covered by an established global distribution network and many of the leading companies in medical technology, halvledarindustri, space and defence technology and optics is today the customers to the PiezoMotor. PiezoMotors shares are traded on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm. www.piezomotor.com
The information in this press release is such information that the PiezoMotor Uppsala AB (publ) is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU) no 596/2014. The information was submitted pursuant to the above contact person in the government, for publication on 5 July 2017 at 08:35..