ParisTech Entrepreneurs, the springboard for start-up

In his small office on the first floor of the incubator of Telecom ParisTech, he is a “heater-computer” which heats the room. “It is the work of Qarnot Computing, a start-up that has developed among us : the idea is to use microprocessors as the source of heat “, says Pascale Massot, the head for the last ten years of ParisTech Entrepreneurs, the incubator of Telecom ParisTech, specialized in the field of information technology and communication.

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Choose its orientation : participate in our conferences, O21, in Paris on 17 and 18 march

In this building in the 14th arrondissement of paris, thirty-five young shoots are every year supported by a dedicated team of four people, directed by Pascale Massot. “Our mission is to help entrepreneurs to start their providing a venue, resources, logistics, a tailored and appropriate persons to contact at all stages of their project,” says this graduate of the IEP of Grenoble and of the IAE of Lille.

Data processing: artificial intelligence

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