This project is one of four selected by “The World” and Finansol to apply for the prize ” Coup de cœur du public “, in the framework of the Grand Prix 2018 solidarity finance. Internet users have until October 5, midnight to vote. The award ceremony will take place on 5 November at the Maison des métallos, Paris.
It is seeing a third of the workforce of a service retirement, Anne-Laure Mesguen, then manager in a large bank, was made aware in 2015 of all those skills lost to the world of work. She wants to call ” Share time “, a company with social impact, to develop these talents. Joined, in 2016, by Emily Arcile, the two women launch a platform that connects young retirees with associations or enterprises of the social and solidarity economy. Benevolt was born.
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Vote for the price “blow of heart” of the Grand prix of solidarity finance
As in a dating site, every retired member created a profile where he precise his or her desires, skills and availability. Associations spend a small ad where they present themselves and to clarify their requests. The site allows the creation of relationships between the candidates for the volunteer and those in need. An algorithm is even being developed to facilitate the reconciliations.