Now take the parts of the editorial team take a summer break!
The summer heat begins to get started in earnest and, hopefully, stands the sun-drenched beaches, sea-bathing and pleasant summer evenings on the agenda.
During the week 29-32 takes Morgonrapporten and Råvarubrevet a shorter summer break. Our daily equity research providers cover on Swedish shares on Thursdays and Fridays is also during this period. Report also takes a short break during week 31-33.
Other analyses will be published as usual. Take the opportunity to unwind, enjoy the summer and welcome back to the new, exciting and packed game, against the 14 August.
We are jumping the gun, however, is already 3 August, when we present a couple of new and really exciting publications. The demand has been large on a continuous analysis of Europe’s main stock market and we are proud to now launch a weekly analysis of the German stock exchange, the ”TIME-analysis”. We will also expand our analytics with the additional demand analytics service, i.e.” Valutabrevet”. You can find more information below.
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In our utbildningsarkiv we offer over 100+ free and very readable articles on everything you need to know about stock market, finance, trading, analytical methods, and psychology. We are expanding continuously the archive with new and interesting publications.
Last year, we launched Fundamentalanalysskolan and Gannskolan, and this year we have published a number of interesting and instructive articles on the pay- and värdeinvesteringar.
After the summer we will present a very informative CFD school in cooperation with CMC Markets. In addition, we will in time introduce Technical Analysskolan, written by a real veteran in the field. Keep an eye out for more information in your inbox!
Click here to go to the utbildningsarkivet.
We will expand continuously our range of Tradingportalen. In line with this, we have recently launched the extraordinarily interesting publications
The Value Investor and The Dividend Investor.
This means that our analytics will be further expanded, with a focus on
the pay – and värdeinvestingar.
Click here to read a number of The Value Investor.
Click here to read a number of The Dividend Investor.
We confine ourselves, however, not with this, but as we write above we are starting already the third of August with the long-awaited publications, DAX-analysis and Valutabrevet, which will be published every Thursday.
Ask that you please note that you need to update your please to be able to automatically take advantage of all the new and interesting analyses.
Click here to update your subscription, or to start a completely free subscription. One of several advantages to You as a subscriber, is that You get to take part of the offer that are not reaching out to the website. We run several events with our partners, including the wholly complimentary VIP event as a three-course dinner in combination with interesting and exciting talks.
Use our eminent video archives to become a better trader and investor!
Here we have hand-picked the best internet resources available for You that is börsintresserad. The archive includes both regular finansutbildningar, börsmaterial of the more entertaining and inspiring character.
Don’t You have anything interesting or exciting videos in our archives, You are welcome to send an e-mail to the editorial office by clicking here.
Click here to go to the videoarkivet.
On Monday 14 August, we are back at full speed.
We wish You a pleasant and wonderful summer!