Nîmes, the 15.06.2017, Phytocontrol sees its accreditation renewed for 5 years and has expanded its activities in water control
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Renewal and extension of the scope of accreditation
The cycle of accreditation-Cofrac -French Accreditation Committee – takes place over 5 years. It is punctuated by audits, monitors and extensions and then finalized by a general audit of renewal.
The entire scope of Cofrac accreditation of Phytocontrol has been renewed to June 1, 2017.
In addition, all the analyses announced in the flexible scope, developed by the R&D team in the laboratory at the request of customers, were able to be integrated, and the pool of analyses accredited could be extended.
The scope of accreditation of Phytocontrol becomes, therefore, one of the most comprehensive in France on the analyses of contaminants, biological and physico-chemical.
Located in the Parc Scientifique Georges Besse, Nimes, Phytocontrol has developed two sites analytical of the latest generation, that is why two scopes of accreditation can be distinguished that have been assigned : Scope 1-1904 and Scope 1-6066.
New ministerial accreditation for the Pole Hydro Phytocontrol
The Fruit of the development of its centre Hydro, the laboratory Phytocontrol has just received national accreditation from the Ministry of Health for the realization of harvesting and sanitary control of water.
The food industry, agricultural cooperatives, but also the operators of water markets and the Regional agency of Health (ARS) will now be able to confide in Phytocontrol their microbiological and physico-chemical drinking water, packaged, spa, swimming, pool …
The most recent audits Cofrac laboratory Phytocontrol has reinforced these new skills by extending the scope of accreditation of these hydrological analyses.
“True to its quality policy and demanding its operational excellence, Phytocontrol confirms its leadership in the field of health safety of water and food,” stresses Céline Chureau, Director Operations, Quality, and Production.
About Phytocontrol Group
The laboratory Phytocontrol, created in 2006 in Nîmes, is a French leader in analysis of contaminants : Pesticides, Metals, Mycotoxins, GMOS, Allergens, Dioxins, Microbiology… in the food and, more broadly, in the analysis on all products of plant and animal origin and is at the service of all actors in the agricultural value chains, food and agri-food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The laboratory is accredited on all analytics programs developed and certified GLP.
Currently, the group consists of 12 agencies in France, Belgium, Spain and Morocco ; it employs 180 employees and realizes a turnover of 12 MILLION, sustained by an annual growth in excess of 20%.
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