– Net Insight,
leading provider of transportation and resource planning in the TV and media, today announces that the board of directors of Net Insight has decided to utilise the agm’s authorisation for the repurchase of own shares.
The buy-back is intended to be made in installments, at the during the period until the next annual general meeting. The repurchases are dependent on market conditions and shall be in accordance with the applicable rules. Bl.a. may repurchase in a day, with the exception of any blockaffärer, amount to a maximum of 25% of the average daily turnover during the four calendar weeks immediately preceding the week during which shares are repurchased. The repurchase may only be made at a price per share within the prevailing price interval, meaning the interval between the highest buying price and lowest selling price. The repurchases are made in accordance with the purposes of the annual general meeting’s authorization, to give the board greater freedom action in working with the company’s capital structure, creating flexibility as regards the company’s possibilities to distribute capital to the shareholders, and to enable the hedging of commitments within the framework of the company’s stock option plan.
The repurchase may be up to a maximum number of shares corresponding to five (5) percent of all shares in the company, i.e. a maximum of 19 496 650 shares. Net Insight holds at the moment 4 275 000 series B shares.
For more information, please contact:
Thomas Ahlerup, Acting Head of Investor Relations, +46 760 896 63 00
Thomas Bergström, CFO, Net Insight AB, +46 8 685 04 00,
This information is such information that Net Insight is required to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning and the law on the securities market. The information was submitted, through the above contacts in the government, for publication on 13 June 2017 there is a 20.00.
About Net Insight
Net Insight’s vision is to facilitate a live and interactive TV experience for all the world over. Our goal is to lead the development and enable a global mediemarknadsplats where live-content can be shared and interaction among the TV audience can be done in real-time. We want to create media experiences of the future, with a focus on content.
Net Insight delivers products, software and services for efficient, high-quality medietransport, together with effective resource planning, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight’s offering covers the whole mediespektrat, from the TV-cameras and TV-studios, right up to the TV-consumers. Our solutions benefit the service providers and the TV and production companies by lowering the total cost of ownership, improve their workflow and give them the opportunity to find new business opportunities.
More than 500 leading customers to deliver mission-critical media services over Net Insight products in over 60 countries. Net Insight is quoted on Nasdaq Stockholm.
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