The MEDIA Group 6 announcement be made available to the public and filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers of its interim financial report 31 march 2017. This document can be accessed on the internet site :
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About MEDIA 6
“Because 50% of purchases are decided at the point of sale”
Marketing specialist at the Point of Sale, the MEDIA group 6 agency of the areas of sales, creates, produces, and installs in the points of sales of the media of communication and presentation which help to :
to increase attendance at the place of sale,
optimize and guide the sales at the critical moment in the act of purchase.
On these markets, MEDIA 6, occupies a special position as the only industry player offering an integrated total solution multi materials :
POP displays, temporary and permanent, to a customer base of manufacturers ;
Furniture Sales and design of retail space, with a customer base of distributors.
This positioning has allowed him to convince and gain the loyalty of a prestigious clientele which includes the major references in the world of luxury, the pharmacy or retail distribution.
Established in 1977, MEDIA 6 is equipped with an average workforce of 570 people and 6 production sites specialized.
The MEDIA group 6 is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C.
ISIN Code : FR0000064404 – Reuters Code : EDI.PA, Bloomberg Code EDI –
Next communication :
Revenue for the 3rd quarter 2016/2017, August 10, 2017 after market.
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