Laxus, the app that plays the decline of the luxury in Japan

The japanese application Laxus could soon land in France. Booming in its home country, this ” app ” renting of luxury bags is now considering international expansion. It prepares, from October 2017, its installation in New York city and target, term, London, Paris, Singapore, and hong Kong.

In the Archipelago, the app, launched in February 2015, offers a catalog of 21 000 bags, compared to 1,000 at the start. All imported and authenticated to prevent counterfeiting, they are designer brands Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Hermes or Chanel. Their average value is 300 000 yen (2 232 euros) the unit. The company, Laxus Technologies, plans to add to its catalog of models of the japanese creators.

The price of rental, single, is fixed at 6 800 yen per month (50 euros). It is possible to keep the bag indefinitely, as long as the monthly contribution is paid. No proof of identity is requested at the time of the issuance of the bag. Users just need to download a photo id at the time of registration. The price includes insurance against scratches.

The principle of renting luxury items, which also exists for the clothes, is not new in Japan. But this service was performed by small structures, of which the prices were high. Laxus has thus filled a vacuum. Its success has inspired its creators to launch, in 2016, Laxus X for rental between individuals. “Currently, nearly 14 000 people travel bags by Laxus X, so that 6, 000 people offer a total of 16 000 bags,” explained, the agency Kyodo, the founder and CEO, Shoji Kodama.

Decline in purchases of luxury goods in Japan

The company from Hiroshima (South-West) also suggests that, since December 25, 2017, with the tour operator H. I. S, a service involving the leasing of bags to the offers of stays, and, since December 14, 2017, a function of council to match bags and outfits.


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