PRESS release
30 June 2017
Integrum AB (publ) (“Integrum” or the “Company”) reported net sales of eur 17 811 (12 324) KSEK during the period 2016-05-01 to 2017-04-30 (12 months), an increase of 45 % compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. Integrum after the end of the period, may 2017, the strengthening of checkout through the new share issue of SEK 27 million, and the simultaneous initial public offering on First North. The costs for the preparation of the issuance and listing are primarily charged to the previous period. The interest to participate in the issue was great and it was signed to the c:a 200 per cent.
A year of growth and increased sales
The launch of the new-generation implant systems
The bets on the market and sales have started
Great demand from the american market
Year (1 may 2016 – 30 april 2017)
Net sales during the period amounted to 17 811 (12 324) THOUSAND
Operations total revenues amounted to 23 489 (18 480) THOUSAND
The operating profit (EBIT) amounted to sek -6 131 (69) THOUSAND
Profit for the period amounted to -5 745 (-106) THOUSAND
Fourth quarter (1 February 2017 30 april 2017)
Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to 3 517 (2 909) THOUSAND
Operations total revenues amounted to 5 005 (6 144) THOUSAND
The operating profit (EBIT) amounted to sek -6 237 (219) THOUSAND
Profit for the period amounted to -5 716 (123) THOUSAND
Examples of significant events:
Integrum launches a new generation of implant systems for the lower extremities with a design that is stronger and allows for a faster inläkningstid. The system has obtained CE marking in Europe, has received HDE approval by the FDA and has been well received by the company’s customers, and a patent application has been submitted.
First enstegsoperationen with carrying out an opra analysis for a person with överarmsamputation.
In the united states has 7 patients underwent treatment at UCSF Medical Center, and 3 patients at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Efforts have been initiated to scale up the sales and marknadsföringsaktiviter in the united states and the rest of the world by contracting sales professionals.
In January 2017 were the first operations at the university hospital of Vienna (Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien), Austria, where 4 patients had called opra system.
The company’s founder, Dr. Rickard Branemark has accepted an offer to continue the building of a osseointegrationscenter at the University of California San Francisco and will, from 1 July 2017 to take up a position as professor in clinical orthopaedics at the University of California San Francisco.
On march 9 concluded a cooperation agreement with Ottobock for the u.s. market. Ottobock, the world’s largest orthotic and prosthetic company with a global turnover of about 8 billion SEK, will distribute the Integrums prosthetic components in the USA.
Integrum was listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm, 15 may 2017. The interest for the issue was very large and was subscribed to around 200 per cent. Due to the large interest, the allocation of B-shares occurred at around 700 new shareholders.
Market and sales company in the united states (Integrum Inc) has invited to a course for american surgeons in Washington during July, which is an important component to increase sales in the united states.
The complete interim report is attached to this press release and is available on the company’s website. The information in this interim report is such that Integrum AB (publ) shall publish in accordance with the regulations on Nasdaq First North.
The information in this press release is such information that Integrum AB (publ) is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU) no 596/2014. The information was submitted according to the above contacts in the government, for publication on 30 June 2017, there is a 0900 CEST.
About Integrum AB
Integrum is a medical device company that develops and markets systems for skelettförankrade dentures. With over 400 operations carried out in twelve countries and having worked in the market for almost 20 years, believes the Company will have a leading position in the field. Integrums innovative called opra Implant System helps to improve the quality of life for amputees around the world.
For more information, please.v. contact:
Jonas Bergman, CEO
Mobile: 0704 – 18 43 38
Certified Adviser
Erik Penser Bank AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser who can be reached on 08-463 8000.
Integrum-Year-End Report-2017
Integrums year-end report may 2016-april 2017