PRESS release
30 June 2017
The board of directors in Integrum has taken the decision to launch a subsidiary in China during the summer of 2017 in order to initiate an establishment on the chinese market. Far-reaching discussions are underway to start up a center, in cooperation with a leading hospital in Shanghai, which opens up for huge future sales.
Integrum for a discussion with a senior orthopaedic surgeon who has a positive view of the benefits the Integrums called opra Implant System can provide people with amputation. Integrum believes that the certification of surgeons and the treatment of the first patients can be started already in the autumn of 2017. In parallel with this, Integrum to work with to obtain marketing approval from the chinese fda CFDA.
“China is usually a difficult market to get into but when a sufficient number of parameters match, as it does in our case it was an easy decision to take for the board of directors. We have been in China a couple of times during the spring and established contact with several important key opinion leaders and we have secured a process for a successful establishment. With 1.4 billion inhabitants, represents an expansion in China, of course, a very exciting opportunity for Integrum, which is expected to contribute to increased sales volumes. However, we are aware that a marketing approval from the chinese fda will take time, but the ability to be able to start treating patients immediately, in a research collaboration is an important step towards bigger volumes,” says Jonas Bergman, CEO of Integrum.
About Integrum AB
Integrum is a medical device company that develops and markets systems for skelettförankrade dentures. With over 400 operations carried out in twelve countries and having worked in the market for almost 20 years, believes the Company will have a leading position in the field. Integrums innovative called opra Implant System helps to improve the quality of life for amputees around the world.
For more information, please.v. contact:
Jonas Bergman, CEO
Mobile: 0704 – 18 43 38
Certified Adviser
Erik Penser Bank AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser who can be reached on 08-463 8000.
Integrum is expanding in China – 20170630