On the 1st of July next, the act Hamon, who has allowed among other things the opening of the insurance market-borrower to the competition, will celebrate its 3 years. The opportunity to Magnolia.fr 1 comparator independent loan insurance, to draw up a quantitative picture of the act, its application and savings.
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In the extension of the law Lagarde in 2010, the law Hamon is intended to facilitate the procedure of termination of the insurance contract borrower. Thus, since July 1, 2014, all borrowers have the option to change insurance in the 12 months following the signing of their contract. Have they actually benefited ? What have been the barriers and catalysts ? How much savings could be made ? Magnolia.fr take advantage of the 3rd anniversary of bill Hamon to probe its users, and draw up a balance sheet on the eve of the new market opening planned in January 2018, with the amendment Bourquin (Sapin law (II).
A slow adoption
In 2015 and 2016 only, respectively, 8% and 15% of the insured have been playing the competition. The fault according to Magnolia.fr a lack of information and a fear that borrowers have to be accountable to their bank and re-enter in a spiral of administrative a few months after their subscription. “The agencies, magistrates have not sought to inform their customers of the law worse some have even threatened to review the terms and conditions of the loan in the event of termination,” says Astrid Cousin, the spokesman of Magnolia.fr.
A low interest rate environment favorable
2017 has marked a turning point. Since the beginning of the year, Magnolia.fr note 27% of new customers among the borrowers, or 80% more than in 2016, in just 6 months. This energizes be explained in particular by the very low interest rates real estate loans. “When you get a loan to less than 1%, the pay of 0.38% insurance group raises legitimate questions and raised the need to compare the offers of the market “, says Astrid Cousin.
The insurers have also shown more transparency in 2017. They were informed, with great reinforcement of communication, individuals of their rights with the intention to take advantage of the opening of the market related to the law Hamon, but also and especially to the amendment Bourquin that goes even further by offering a possibility of termination at each anniversary date. The comparator Magnolia.fr estimate that 50% of the cases in 2018 will be derived from this amendment.
Up to 16,000 euros in savings
According to the profiles of the borrowers, substantial savings could be realized with the law Hamon. For example, a couple of 43 years in CDI (the a-frame and the other non-framework) borrows € 200,000 over 20 years to 1.5%. The rate of the group insurance contract proposed by the agency lender is 0.38%. Termination of the insurance of their bank for the benefit of a delegation contract or an individual contract, they get an insurance rate of 0,178 % and realize 16.044 euros in savings over the term of their credit.
In 3 years, this law concerning the consumption has thus allowed the borrowers French to gain purchasing power and savings of over 80 million euros. And this is about 3 times more to economies that are expected at the end of the first year of application of the amendment Bourquin.
About Magnolia
Thanks to its important network of banks, brokers, real estate credit, advisors in the management of heritage and its prestigious partners (Swiss Life, Spheria, Générali, April, Cardif, MetLife, AXA, Afi-Esca), Magnolia.fr offers its customers a free expertise dedicated to the insurance of the loan. N°1 independent insurance borrower on the internet, the company manages over 100 000 insured persons, of which nearly 17 000 new per year. Each year, through its retail websites BtoB and BtoC, more than 240,000 applications of simulation are processed by 50 experts in insurance of real estate credit. They guide its future borrowers in their choice to enable them to realize significant cost savings while enjoying the best guarantees.
For more information : www.magnolia.fr
About Gérald Loobuyck
Gérald Loobuyck, CEO of Magnolia.fr is the creator of the main offers with market leaders in the insurance of individual loan such as First Borrower Cardif, MetLife, Axa (Premium Borrower).
About Astrid Cousin
Astrid Cousin, the spokesman of Magnolia.fr is specialized for 5 years in the analysis of the market for distribution of banking products and assuranciels. Today an expert in insurance borrower, it deals with the issues such as the trends specific to the delegation of insurance
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