Approval of the accounts for the year ended December 31, 2016
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Approval of 12 resolutions on the 13 proposed
ENERTIME (FR0011915339 – ‘ALENE), a French company of “CleanTech” in the service of the industrial energy efficiency and renewable energy production decentralised (biomass and geothermal) announces the results of voting from its annual General Meeting held on Friday, June 09, at the company’s registered office in Courbevoie, 1 rue du moulin des bruyères, 92 400.
The Mixed General Meeting of Enertime was held on Friday 09 June 2017 to 15: 00 at the registered office of the company, under the presidency of Mr Gilles David, president and founder of the company. More than 50% of the share capital was represented.
The General assembly of shareholders has approved the accounts for the year 2016 published on 03 February 2017.
12 of the 13 resolutions to be proposed and submitted to a vote of shareholders were adopted by the General Assembly. The resolution rejected concerned the delegation to grant to the Administrative Board to increase the share capital by issuing shares and securities giving access to the share capital of the company for the benefit of employees subscribing to the group savings plan.
The quorum for the ordinary part and extraordinary amounted to $ 70.68 per cent.
Find out the details of the votes cast on our website
Created in 2008, ENERTIME designs, develops, and implements machinery to Cycle Organic Rankine (ORC) and Pumps high-temperature Heat for industrial energy efficiency and decentralised production of renewable energy. The machine ORC can transform the heat into electricity. Heat Pumps Heat value of the low-temperature heat to produce high temperature process heat.
ENERTIME is the only actor in the world that offers the ORC and Heat Pump power. To the ORC technology is one of the four main global players, and the only French mastering the full technology of machines of high power (1 MW and more). Based in Ile-de-France, ENERTIME has 42 employees, including 26 engineers and has offices in Lyon and Strasbourg, as well as representatives or agents in the island of reunion and in 7 countries including India and China. The Company is qualified as “innovative company” by Bpifrance and is recognised as a “Creative Industry” – French. Enertime is listed on the market Alternext Paris to Euronext. ISIN : FR0011915339 – Mnémo : ‘ALENE.
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