“In the schools of business, the philosophy restores meaning “

Pierre-Olivier Monteil, the author of the Ethics and philosophy of management (Érès, 2016), teaches ethics at HEC and Paris-Dauphine. According to him, the students are asked for reflection on the meaning of their future work and how to drive it.

Why do you work in the school of management ?

I defended my phd thesis in political philosophy at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), after twenty-two years of business career. These are two worlds that need to be brought closer to that the philosophers know what is happening in real life and that the managers have of their theoretical contributions. Before my first course of HEC, it has pointed out to me that I would have in front of me, the young people of the world of work was going to roll out the red carpet : “If they don’t ask questions now, they don’t ask more until retirement ! “The philosophy has to touch the public asked to take on responsibilities.

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