The shareholders of the company are invited to attend the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of the company HORIZONTAL SOFTWARE, which will be held on :
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Tuesday 27 June 2017 09: 00 am
The registered office of the company Truffle Capital
5 Rue de la Baume, 75008 Paris
The preliminary notice comprising the agenda and draft resolutions was published in the BALO of 22 may 2017 and the notice of meeting has been published in the BALO of June 7, 2017.
The documents stipulated by article R225-83 of the Commercial Code are kept at the disposal of shareholders as of the convening of the meeting, in accordance with the applicable regulatory provisions :
· Any registered shareholder may, until the fifth day inclusive before the meeting, request the company to send him these documents. For holders of bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the provision of a certificate of participation in the accounts of bearer shares kept by the authorised intermediary ;
· Any shareholder may consult it at the registered office of the company during a period of fifteen days preceding the date of the meeting.
The preparatory documents for the Assembly set out in article R. 225-73-1 of the French commercial Code will be put online on the website
HORIZONTAL SOFTWARE, a software publisher Human Capital (HCM), markets an innovative software solution in SaaS mode (2014) and SaaS Apps (2016). Built on a technological base with an open Cloud architecture, offers HSW address all the topics of human capital management (excluding payroll) through acquisition and talent management to the optimized scheduling of teams and activities. The group today has 90 employees and more than 20 million euros invested in R&D and address 500 000 people who are managed in the world.
HORIZONTAL SOFTWARE is listed on Alternext (ISIN : FR0013219367 – Mnémo : ALHSW)
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