GAUSSIN Manugistique (ALTERNEXT FR0010342329) will present in collaboration with the company DiDriver, a subsidiary of Digirobotics, the first electric tractor stand-alone ” APM ” Autonomous Prime Mover, using the technology of natural navigation, professionals of the port sector in the TOC, which takes place in Amsterdam from 27 to 29 June 2017.
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The commercial launch of the MPA FULL ELEC, which coincides with that of the AGV PERFORMANCE FULL ELEC (see press release of June 16, 2017), illustrates the growing power of GAUSSIN on the market of electric vehicles autonomous. The Group capitalizes on a long experience in this field which has been enhanced by the collaboration with the Commissariat à l’energie Atomique and the first order of AGV for port of Singapore. It has therefore positioned itself to meet the demand of many ports in the world that want to automate their operations.
The APM, a new range of tractors, FULL ELEC self
The APM is a new tractor (commonly called a Prime Mover PM in the port sector). It is the first tractor GAUSSIN to get a conversion kit TRUGO to robotiser the heavy vehicle in autonomous control, that is to say with or without a driver, in automatic mode by using the ” natural navigation “.
Gaussin invites you to discover the APM driven with or without a driver by clicking on the link video :
The natural navigation : a technological breakthrough which allows you to accelerate the transition towards the automation of the port terminals
Thanks to the conversion kit TRUGO to robotiser the vehicle, Gaussin now offers flexible solutions of tractors port (Prime Mover ” PM “) that may evolve with or without a driver depending on the needs of the operations, and this, without changes to the existing infrastructure due to the natural navigation, based technologies of Lidar, radar, camera, and GPS.
The natural navigation eliminates the need for facilities and infrastructure that are traditional. For example, the port terminals to containers using AGVS are equipped to the floor of thousands of transponders necessary for the navigation while each AGV has to be equipped with antennas towering, housed in the chassis of the vehicle. In addition, the AGVS are restricted to the ports, “green field” (new terminal under construction, due to the constraints related to civil engineering.
The APM benefits from the recent developments of the range of vehicles GAUSSIN, in particular, the ATM, the electric tractor used for semi-trailers on the platforms logistics, and autonomous vehicles such as the AIV REVOLUTION and the AGV PERFORMANCE, co-developed with PSA Port of Singapore Authority.
A potential market representing 70 % of the terminals in the world
With the APM, GAUSSIN attacks the market of port terminals containers on existing ” Brown Field “, responding to the demand of automation.
Approximately 70 % of terminals in the world function with a combination of gantry cranes on tires (RTG) and tractors port traditional (PM), and must also incorporate in their internal flows of the trucks outside (” mixed Traffic “).
There is a market opportunity which is very important in the automation of these “Brown Field” (existing ports) thanks to the automation now possible of the equipment and the use of the natural navigation, technology is the most suitable for this type of environment.
For customers wishing to keep their existing fleet, GAUSSIN and Digirobotics offer a turnkey solution conversion to self-contained vehicles in existence.
The partnership with Digirobotics will be officially presented at the exhibition TOC EUROPE.
GAUSSIN, a unique know-how at the global level
Since the first vehicles AGV (remote control) developed by GAUSSIN in the 1980s, the Group has developed know-how extremely rare at the global level in the development of electric vehicles autonomous. Strengthened by the transfer of technologies of the Commissariat à l’energie Atomique in the field of robotics, and the contribution of the Scientific Committee, the expertise of GAUSSIN was achieved with the development of the vehicles AGV-PERFORMANCE, 100 tons, commanded by PSA-Port Singapore Authority, the operator of the port of Singapore.
In technical language, an autonomous vehicle, AGV, or APM, is a robot of large size, ” LARGE SCALE ROBOT “. For that the navigation is effective and accurate, it is preferable to use a development methodology of robot to benefit from shorter reaction time of the braking systems, traction and direction while improving their accuracy.
Many builders make the mistake, through lack of experience, wanting to electrify and automate existing vehicles, which gives disappointing results in terms of performance, security, and, therefore, productivity.
The APM FULL ELEC has been designed from a blank sheet of paper “From scratch” to be flown automatically to a precise and secure. With this vehicle, GAUSSIN between in the era of the tractor autonomous where the driver can be completely assisted in the cabin, or even not be present at all, which corresponds to the demand of port operators.
These advances were made possible thanks to the continued decline in the cost of batteries has dropped by half in five years with better performance. Combined with the expertise of GAUSSIN in robotics, this trend enables the Group to display a unique know-how at the global level.
Next appointment
TOC EUROPE in Amsterdam from 27 to 29 June 2017
stand B84 GAUSSIN and B82 Digirobotics for the APM
GITEX Dubai from October 8 to 12, 2017
GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is specialized in the audit of the material handling process and the realization of systems on wheels for the placement and transport of heavy, large or delicate. With more than 50 000 vehicles handling across the world, GAUSSIN Manugistique enjoys a strong reputation in four booming markets : Energy, Transportation, Environment and Raw Materials. GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is listed on Alternext of Euronext Paris since 16 June 2010. The shares GAUSSIN are listed since 20 July 2012, on the group rating E2 (public Offer), since obtaining AMF Visa n°12-360 dated 17/07/12 on the Prospectus, available free of charge on
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