GAUSSIN SA (ALTERNEXT : ALGAU – FR0010342329), today announced the completion of capital increases for an aggregate amount of 828.216 euros by use of delegations of the extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of 15 June 2017. These emissions are not covered by the AMF. They have the objective of strengthening the equity and finance the development of the group.
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Description of share capital increases
1) The board of directors of GAUSSIN SA, convened on June 22, 2017, making use of the delegation voted by the EGM of June 15, 2017 (resolution 16 for the benefit of qualified investors) has decided to proceed with a capital increase of a total amount of 348.216 eur (including issuance premium) through the issuance of 1.450.900 new shares at a subscription price of € 0.24.
2) The board of directors as of June 22, 2017 has also decided in accordance with the delegation given by the 40th resolution and the 41st resolution of the EGM of 15 June 2017 to conduct a capital increase in named person, to a total of 480.000 euros (issue premium included) by issuing 2,000,000 new shares at a price of 0.24 euro.
Objectives of the operation
This capital increase is to reinforce the own funds of the company, to finance the investments necessary for the finalization of the technology and give the company the means to honour its order book.
Social Capital
Following the above transactions, the share capital of the company GAUSSIN amounted to 7.369.626,70 euros, divided into 73.696.267 shares of 0.10 euro nominal value each, and 73.814.362 voting rights.
Ownership to this day
* Direct holding and indirect through the company’s Milestone, a 100% owned
** Shares owned through the liquidity contract at 30/04/2017
Since January 1, 2017, the company has strengthened its equity of more than 11 million euros.
Next appointment
GITEX Dubai from October 8 to 12, 2017
GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is specialized in the audit of the material handling process and the realization of systems on wheels for the placement and transport of heavy, large or delicate. With more than 50 000 vehicles handling across the world, GAUSSIN Manugistique enjoys a strong reputation in four booming markets : Energy, Transportation, Environment and Raw Materials. GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is listed on Alternext since 16 June 2010. The shares GAUSSIN are listed since 20 July 2012, on the group rating E2 (public Offer), since obtaining AMF Visa n°12-360 dated 17/07/12 on the Prospectus, available free of charge on
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