Paris, June 13 (11: 00 CEST) – France Biotech, the umbrella association of French companies from the health innovation, welcomes this morning three invited renowned for a breakfast press conference at the Palais Brongniart : Dr. Pierre-Henri Benhamou (CEO, co-founder of DBV Technologies), Mr. Hervé Brailly (Chairman of the Supervisory Board and co-founder of Innate Pharma) and Professor Michel Goldman (former Executive Director, Innovative Medicines Initiative [1]).
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The morning has the theme, “collective intelligence, the key to therapeutic innovation” presented by the Pr. Goldman, followed by a presentation on ” The growth of innovative companies of health “, by Dr. Benhamou (DBV Technologies) and the Pr. Hervé Brailly (Innate Pharma). Finally, Maryvonne Hiance, President of France Biotech, will highlight the advances of our industry these 20 last years, the progress made and the obstacles that we still need to be overcome to transform the therapeutic innovation of our societies to sustainable growth.
The collective intelligence at the heart of the therapeutic innovation
The French anthropologist Pierre Lévy is at the origin of the concept of the pioneers of the collective intelligence as the key to understanding the modern world, which refers to the human ability to co-operate on the intellectual level in a purpose of creation, innovation, invention. According to Pierre Lévy, ” collective intelligence refers to the unblocking of communication confiscated, the recovery of mutual thoughts isolated “. This mission is at the center of the action of France Biotech since its creation in 1997. In fact, the association brings together the collective intelligence, that of entrepreneurs in the life sciences in the areas of biotechnology, medical devices, health data, diagnostics, e-health to develop, through the sharing of their knowledge, multidisciplinary research and French innovation in the life sciences.
On the economic front, France Biotech work as well as innovative start-ups in the life sciences can grow and become French companies successful, job-creating and appearing among the world leaders like DBV Technologies and Innate Pharma.
DBV Technologies and Innate Pharma, two “success stories,” combining therapeutic innovation and growth
DBV Technologies (DBV) is a biopharmaceutical company, founded in 2002 by two paediatricians, Dr. Pierre-Henri Benhamou and Dr. Christophe Dupont, and Bertrand Dupont, engineer, for the purpose of developing a new route of immunotherapy using for the first time the way epicutaneous. It is based on an innovative technological platform, called Viaskin® “. The first field application of immunotherapy by means epicutaneous (AVAILABLE on®) is the severe allergy, especially food allergy. This new form of treatment offers the possibility to safely treat allergies the most severe at the youngest ages. Beyond allergy, the scope of application of this new method of immunotherapy is very wide. It finds its applications in the field of vaccine and auto-immune diseases and inflammatory. It represents a notable example of innovation, being the first French biotech to have been listed on the Nasdaq. Its shares are also traded on segment A of Euronext Paris (ticker : DBV, ISIN code : FR0010417345) and the valuation of DBV has been multiplied by 10 since its IPO in Paris in April 2012. The headquarters of DBV Technologies is located in Montrouge, France, and the Company also has offices in New York, in the United States. DBV Technologies today has 210 employees, and has doubled in size every year for the last four years.
Innate Pharma S. A, biotechnology company established in September 1999 by six immunologists, pioneers in the field of innate immunity, designs and develops novel therapeutic antibodies that exploit the innate immune system with the aim of improving the care of cancer. Innate Pharma is specialized in immuno-oncology, an approach to immunotherapy innovative that changes the treatment of cancers by restoring the ability of the immune system to recognize and eliminate tumor cells. Innate Pharma has 7 programs in development with 3-in-clinic in which the licensee Bristol-Myers Squibb and the other in partnership with AstraZeneca and 4 proprietary programs in preclinical. The objective of the Company is to become an integrated biopharmaceutical company in the immunotherapy, which focuses on indications of cancer for which there is a strong medical need. The expertise of the Company, in particular in the biology of NK cells, has allowed him to forge alliances with leading companies in the biopharmaceutical as AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi. Based in Marseille, Innate Pharma has over 166 employees (3/4 in R&D). The Company is publicly traded on Euronext Paris.
Innovative technologies in health : an economic issue of size which is still a lot of brakes in France
Today, the innovative companies represent 25% of the health market and by 2020, 50% ! They are the future of health and care is a key issue for France. In terms of economic growth, The biotechnologies will represent a market of not less than € 500 billion in the 2020-2025 timeframe (source: France Biotech).
“If the current situation of the biotechnology industry and innovative SMES in France has significantly improved over the last few years, thanks to a series of reforms, key of which many were inspired by France Biotech (the status Young Innovative Company, reform of the Research Tax Credit, real estate, etc), our delay on our european neighbours remains important, particularly in the face of the United States. It will be necessary to supplement the existing measures to enable France to return to the level of the most dynamic countries with respect to innovation, by means of reform, structuring both at the level of the fiscal and regulatory environment (taxation, financing) that, at the cultural level (transfer of technology, gateways, public/private, etc, ” said Maryvonne Hiance, president of France Biotech.
France Biotech recommends for this purpose the measures detailed in its roadmap 2016-2018 :
??? Taxation
– Commitment on fiscal stability over the duration of a parliament
– Introduction of a flat tax on capital income
– Action in favour of tax competitiveness with the european countries
– Reduction of IR and IS for the investment in the JEI
– The strengthening and simplification of the CIR for SMES
– Implementation of an attractive tax regime for free shares.
??? Taxation
– Reduction of expenses and social obligations to release the growth of micro-enterprises/SMES
– Enshrinement of the status of JEI to the conditions of 2010, uncapping by company
– Creation of a status of ” JEI ” of 12 to 15 years, tailored to the long-term cycles in the sector.
– Encourage the sharing of the value in facilitating access to free shares to all employees of the innovative companies as a tool of incentive to motivate and retain them with regulations more suited (to limit the scope of application of the threshold of 10% of the share capital to shares subject to performance conditions and not to all of the shares issued by the company since its inception) and a tax and social regime alleviated by reverting to the provisions of the act Macron when today the free shares are brought under the tax regime of the income and not as capital gains on securities and the employer’s contribution is raised from 20% to 30%.
??? Finance
– Reward and stimulation of citizen investment in the risk and in French innovation
– Creating an account-entrepreneur-investor exempt from taxation on the heritage if the funds are reinvested in innovative SMES
– Implementation of a policy to earmark a portion of savings into innovation, via the FCPR/ FCPI, SCR type devices Madelin.
??? Administration and regulation
– Accelerated procedure of approval of phase 1 and 2 for innovative SMES
– Accessibility of data to public health researchers, entrepreneurs and SMES in French, in the service of innovation.
??? Company
– Liberation from technology transfer to start-ups in order to valorise the public research French.
– Gateway public/private : establishment of a help for the researchers to join the business
– Creating a favourable climate for innovations within the public service as the general public.
– Support of the fundamental research that nourishes the disruptive innovations to come.
About France Biotech
Created in 1997, France Biotech is the French institution that brings together the main companies in the life sciences and its expert partners. France Biotech has for mission to accompany the development of this industry in France on land the legislative and fiscal environment. The origin of the status of Young Innovative Enterprise (JEI) established in the Finance Act of 2004, France Biotech advocates for the innovative sector represents an industry high performance a?? full. France Biotech is chaired by Maryvonne Hiance and has more than 150 members and a board of directors from representatives of 20 innovative companies in the health sector.
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