Consolation prize : the announcement does not fall in the midst of galettes des rois. In the updated list published by the ministry of Agriculture, which now contains 20 references to products containing traces of fipronil sold in France, you can now find waffles and cakes frangipane manufactured in the netherlands or in Belgium.
Three new references, the mini waffles on the brand Finds of Luciles and cakes frangipane and mini-frangipane Lotus, have been added to this list available on the website of the ministry of Agriculture. The first list contained seventeen references to waffles in mark Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché, Leader Price, Franprix, System U, Monoprix and Casino are put on the market since June 23.
The products listed by the ministry are removed from the market because they contain fipronil at a concentration greater than the regulatory limit, indicates the ministry of Agriculture. However, these products pose “no health risk”, he adds, noting that they are published “in the interests of consumer information”.
This list is evolving and will be completed as confirmation of the presence of fipronil in the products above the permitted limit, ” says the ministry on its website.
To date, the department has identified sixteen processing plants, two conditioners, eggs and 40 wholesalers who import eggs or products containing eggs that may contain fipronil. Of new products, this time produced in France, might therefore have been added later to this list.
The use of this insecticide banned in Europe on animals destined for the food chain by companies of disinfection involved in the agricultural holdings in the netherlands, in Belgium, in Germany and in the Pas-de-Calais caused a scandal health that now affects at least 17 european countries.
The minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Travert, had indicated on Tuesday that as the results of analysis would be known, the name of all of the contaminated products would be made public on the ministry’s website.
(with AFP)