Linxo, the solution aggregation of accounts and budget management ad integration free accounts business and personal in the same interface, with the ability to switch from one to the other in a second. N°1 in France of solutions to aggregation of accounts and budget management with more than 1.3 million users in own brand and several millions of users with access to its technology via banking partners, the start-up is responding to a need for speed and visibility of cash requested by the TPE and professionals. The artisans, traders, liberal professions and micro-entrepreneurs can now manage their business account just as simply as their personal budget, within a single application all-in-one.
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Meet a need of professionals and medium-sized businesses : managing cash as simply and efficiently as his or her personal budget.
Thanks to this new interface, it professionals can juggle a second between their personal accounts and their business accounts, all for free.
We started from a simple observation reassembled by our users : all of our business customers are also private customers. However, they think to pay often more expensive professional services that they consider less good than when they are customer specific. A solution to aggregation of bank accounts professional can cost up to 100/year ! ” explains Bruno Van Haetsdaele, co-founder of Linxo.
Linxo provides the ability to aggregate within the same application with all his personal accounts and professionals free of charge. Even more, the application allows now, thanks to a feature called ” Groups “, track it separately and in isolation, each of these types of accounts without mixing them, and to move from personal finance to its finance professional in literally a second.
Plan your business cash also simply that his personal budget
“With Linxo, we make cash management simpler, smarter, faster, and above all free,” adds the officer. The artisans, traders, liberal professions, and micro-entrepreneurs consider not having to lose time to consult with their accounts. Now their bank accounts that come to them through smart notifications, allowing them to be informed of the payment of a settlement or client debit an expense when it occurs on their bank account.
The estimated Linxo, which allows to forecast the balance of the account on the 30 days in the future by analyzing the movements recurring, is also available for business accounts. “This will have positive consequences on the payment of suppliers, payment of wages and all general expenses of the companies,” says the co-founder. This feature simplified integrates in the will of Linxo enable professionals to better manage their cash flow and avoid surprises.
Professionals and micro-enterprises, vectors of growth and dynamism
In developing this single interface, bringing together the business accounts and personal and allowing you to switch from one to the other, Linxo meets an essential need in the entrepreneurial landscape French. According to the studies 2016 of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and ACOSS (national Fund of the Network of URSSAF), the territory has more than three million craftsmen, the professions and micro-enterprises in France. In addition, 554, 000 new businesses were created in France in 2016 in the commercial sector, according to INSEE, which shows the dynamism of this market. So many new potential users of the new version of the application Linxo.
The application Linxo is free and available on iOS and Android.
About Linxo
Linxo is an application and a website is secure which enable each to simplify the management of all his money (bank accounts, credit cards, savings, stock exchange, life insurance, etc). Created in 2010 by Bruno Van Haetsdaele (ex CTO and co-founder of Wimba, a startup dedicated to the online education, and engineer at the Stanford Research Institute) and Hugues Pisapia (e.g. Wimba and initiator of the project Linxo at the end of 2008), the startup is based in Aix-en-Provence. With more than 1.3 million people have installed and used the application Linxo in France BtoC and several millions of bank customers to which the technology Linxo is available through its partners BtoB, the startup has established itself as an essential reference for its market. The company has benefited from the incubator of Telecom Paris and has directed a fund-raising 2M euros with Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and of Crédit Agricole in December 2015. Popular during the “European FinTech Awards 2016” by the public who has placed in the Top 20 european and N°1 French Fintech in business, award-winning in the Top 3 “Happy At Work “2017” startups of more than 25 employees where it is good work, Linxo, which currently counts 40 employees, is part of the ecosystem, Aix-Marseille French Tech.
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