Our face is the source of ethics to the fact that he is naked, expressive, gifted with human speech and seems to say to us : “You don’t défigureras not” or, more deeply : “Thou shalt not kill,” says the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995). For its part, the anthropologist David Le Breton argues that the face, to whom he dedicated several studies, ” embodies the infinitesimal difference worn by every man “, but also, being changeable and mobile, ” gives life to our spirit “, so that” one falls in love with a face, or hate him sometimes “…
Today, our features have become a given exploitable : advances in scanning have made it a commodity coveted by the giants of the Web, marketing experts and the police. Targeted advertising has become the fuel of the digital economy. With the face, the profiling routine of internet users is refined.
Take Facebook, this great ” book of face “, the social network to 2 billion active users : he committed every day by the users to tag the photos they publish, with the names of their ” friends “. And then, with DeepFace, its facial recognition system, the company is a huge bank of faces identifiable. Big data “very valuable” at the time of the “boom of customized marketing,” notes Benjamin Sobel, a researcher in law and technology at Harvard university (Massachusetts), concerned by the disappearance of the anonymity on the Web and social networks.
Identify the thieves up on the sidewalk
Unsurprisingly, Google is interested in it also. The algorithm of facial recognition FaceNet Photos is able to identify, name, classify and locate countless individuals present on the albums of the internet users. If this function has been inhibited in Europe at the request of privacy advocates,…