Ericsson chairman Leif Johansson is not up for re-election at the annual general meeting in 2018.
It notifies the telecom company in a press release.
”I have had the privilege to lead the work of Ericsson’s board of directors since 2011 and it has been an exciting but also challenging time. Börje Ekholm took over as the new CEO in the beginning of the year and during the first quarter of 2017, presented a new, more focused business strategy,” says Leif Johansson, and continues:
”This strategy, which the board of directors and the major shareholders are behind, provides good conditions to realize Ericsson’s full potential. The company has now entered a new phase with a focus on implementation, and even with a new ägarkonstellation. It is reasonable to allow the owners to jointly propose to the president and I want to tell that I am not standing for re-election.”
The nomination committee has initiated work to find a replacement.
Leif Johansson born 1951, was president and ceo of Volvo 1997-2011, and is beyond the mission of Ericsson and chairman of the board of Astra Zeneca since 2012. He owns according to the Ericsson website 103.933 B-shares in the telecommunications company.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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